Table 4. Serum hormone variables for the PLAC and NMDA groups. Values are means (± SD).
Variable Day PLAC NMDA Test Group x Test
Total Test (ng·ml-1) 0 11.04 (1.58) 11.96 (1.26) .77 .86
29 11.96 (1.39) 12.02 (1.18)
Free Test (pg·ml-1) 0 103.26 (6.27) 106.54 (5.85) .76 .85
29 101.81 (7.03) 106.85 (4.85)
LH (mIU·ml-1) 0 2.97 (2.16) 3.27 (2.55) .53 .83
29 3.25 (2.94) 3.30 (2.71)
GnRH (pg·ml-1) 0 319.57 (126.55) 333.39 (135.01) .74 .24
29 335.44 (137.06) 396.23 (122.49)
Estradiol (pg·ml-1) 0 1332.84 (912.58) 1376.25 (885.15) .53 .83
29 1254.36 (805.83) 1284.39 (932.17)
Cortisol (pg·ml-1) 0 124.56 (32.58) 134.35 (31.14) .41 .76
29 122.83 (35.58) 129.56 (33.23)
Prolactin (ng·ml-1) 0 7.59 (8.23) 7.96 (9.21) .77 .93
29 6.81 (7.45) 7.24 (8.67)
Serum hormones representing the HPG axis for the PLAC (n = 10) and NMDA (n = 10) groups. No significant differences were detected for any of the serum hormones (p > 0.05).