Table 4. GRF data and temporal parameters. Values are expressed as mean (± SD).
Variable High velocity group (n =10) Low velocity group (n =10) p ES High velocity group (n =10) Low velocity group (n =10) p ES
Pivot leg Stride leg
Force Fx (N/kg) -.5 (.4) -.2 (.2) .08 .83 .8 (.8) * -.2 (.9) .02 1.10
Force Fy (N/kg) 1.0 (.7) .6 (.5) .15 .66 -11.6 (1.7) ** -9.4 (1.3) .01 1.42
Force Fz (N/kg) 6.0 (1.3) 7.2 (1.9) .12 .74 19.4 (1.7) ** 16.6 (1.4) .00 1.69
Resultant forces (N/kg) 6.2 (1.1) 7.3 (1.9) .13 .71 22.7 (2.1) ** 19.1 (1.7) .00 1.75
Force Fx (N/kg) -.6 (.6) -.1 (.7) .10 .76 1.2 (1.0) 1.0 (.7) .60 .25
Force Fy (N/kg) 9.6 (1.6) ** 7.2 (.9) .00 1.75 -10.0 (1.7) * -7.8 (1.5) .01 1.28
Force Fz (N/kg) 11.7 (2.7) 10.0 (1.1) .10 .76 19.1 (1.7) ** 15.2 (1.9) .00 1.98
Resultant forces (N/kg) 15.2 (2.9) * 12.4 (1.0) .01 1.20 21.6 (2.2) ** 17.1 (2.3) .00 1.86
Maxima and minima of GRF (N/kg)
Maximum Fx 1.5 (.5) 1.2 (.5) .24 .53 1.7 (.7) * 1.0 (.6) .05 .94
Maximum Fy 9.6 (1.6) ** 7.2 (.9) .00 1.75
Maximum Fz 13.7 (2.1) 12.3 (1.1) .10 .77 20.6 (1.7) ** 17.5 (1.6) .00 1.74
Maximum Resultant forces 16.2 (2.6) * 13.7 (1.1) .01 1.23 23.7 (2.2) ** 20.3 (2.2) .00 1.44
Minimum Fx -1.1 (.5) * -0.6 (.3) .01 1.22 -1.4 (.8) -1.2 (.7) .60 .24
Minimum Fy -11.7 (1.6) * -10.2 (1.7) .05 .81
Maxima and minima of GRF temporal parameters (%time)
Maximum Fx 97.0 (2.5) 83.8 (22.9) .10 .83 173.2 (29.7) 190.0 (20.1) .18 .67
Maximum Fy 83.6 (3.7) 87.0 (4.7) .11 .74
Maximum Fz 71.4 (9.8) 67.0 (8.3) .31 .45 187.2 (7.6) * 178.6 (7.1) .02 1.19
Maximum Resultant forces 73.0 (9.8) 70.9 (11.9) .69 .17 185.5 (7.8) * 177.7 (6.4) .03 1.12
Minimum Fx 60.3 (31.8) 43.7 (35.5) .31 .48 133.1 (25.7) 121.8 (14.7) .27 .50
Minimum Fy 177.5 (9.9) 170.0 (12.1) .16 .64
** p < 0.01, Significant difference between high and low groups.* p < 0.05, Significant difference between high and low groups.P; p value, ES; effect size value. MKH; Maximal stride knee height. MAP; Maximal anterior push-off force. SFC; Stride foot contacts ground. MER; Maximum shoulder external rotation. REL; Ball release.