Table 4. Resulting correlation between VMRT and the accuracy of motor response after the administration of four exercise intensity modes.
Exercise intensity model VMRT
Mean (±SD) (ms)
Accuracy of MR Median (Me) Correlation
M-IN 918.2 (57.0) 2.75 -.09
M-AEM 897.0 (57.5) 2.50 -.23
M-INTERM 930.1 (52.3) 2.50 -.04
M-ANAEM 941.0 (71.1) 2.50 -.07
Mode of motor inactivity (M-IN), exercise mode with a dominant involvement of aerobic metabolism (M-AEM), mode of intense intermittent exercise (M-INTERM) and exercise mode with a dominant involvement of anaerobic metabolism (M-ANAEM), VMRT – visual motor response time, accuracy of MR – accuracy of motor response.