Table 4. Distribution of birth dates of players compared to the teams’ results in the Polish Youth Basketball Championships.
Q1 (%) Q2 (%) Q3 (%) Q4 (%) TOTAL HEIGHT
χ²3 p V Effect
♀ TOP 3 154 (34.4) 122 (27.2) 111 (24.8) 61 (13.6) 448 ,48 22.10 <.0001 .16 medium
4-8 PLACES 222 (30.7) 235 (32.5) 155 (21.4) 112 (15.5) 724 1.03 29.44 <.0001 .14 small
9 OR LESS 747 (33.2) 614 (27.3) 540 (24.0) 346 (15.4) 2247 .73 80.31 <.0001 .13 small
♂ TOP 3 166 (35.9) 135 (29.2) 103 (22.3) 59 (12.7) 463 1.15 29.73 <.0001 .18 medium
4-8 PLACES 302 (38.3) 220 (27.9) 159 (20.2) 108 (13.7) 789 .40 53.46 <.0001 .18 medium
9 OR LESS 1006 (38.7) 766 (29.5) 514 (19.8) 311 (12.0) 2597 3.50*** 221.44 <.0001 .21 medium
Polish Population†  53362(25.3) 54879(26.0) 5557 (26.3) 47233(22.4) 211046
χ²3 – chi-squared test value; p – probability value; V – Cramer`s V value*p<0.01**p<0.001***p<0.0001 for post hoc Tukey test† births per year in 1995-2003‡ Height difference Q1 to Q4