Table 4. Results of the Two-Way ANOVA investigating the effects of sex and half time on all parameters.
Sex Half time Interaction
F p F p F p
Total distance (m) 2.01 .16 6.77 <.05 .01 .94
Average speed (km/h) .89 .35 19.55 <.01 7.34 <.05
Distance (m) standing (0–0.4 km/h) 1.32 .26 .47 .49 5.46 <.05
Distance (m) walking (0.5–4 km/h) .28 .60 26.84 <.01 3.83 .06
Distance (m) jogging (4.1–7 km/h) 3.64 .06 3.98 .05 .01 .97
Distance (m) cruising (7.1–13 km/h) .87 .36 .64 .43 .94 .34
Distance (m) HI running (13.1–18 km/h) 5.76 <.05 .02 .89 .01 .97
Distance (m) sprinting (>18.1 km/h) 3.35 .07 .21 .65 .21 .65
Average time spent in sprint (s) .07 .79 1.54 .22 3.80 .06
Z1: Impacts 5–6 g 2.94 .09 .01 .91 .04 .84
Z2: Impacts 6–6.5 g .12 .73 .44 .51 .12 .73
Z3: Impacts 6.5–7 g .16 .69 .16 .69 .08 .78
Z4: Impacts 7–8 g 6.02 <.05 .81 .37 1.89 .17
Z5: Impacts 8–10 g 1.59 .21 n.s. n.s. .78 .38
Z6: Impacts >10 g .61 .44 1.16 .29 .15 .69
Total no. of impacts 1.71 .19 .29 .59 .02 .89
Total body load .27 .60 4.04 .05 .01 .99
Z1: Accel. 1–2 m/s2 .37 .55 .01 .94 1.14 .29
Z2: Accel. 2–3 m/s2 8.83 <.05 1.05 .31 .53 .47
Z3: Accel. > 3 m/s2 9.2 <.05 1.02 .32 2.83 .10
HRmax (b/min) 1.37 .25 .17 .68 .06 .81
Mean HR (b/min) .01 .91 14.84 <.01 5.65 <.05
Z1: <60% HRmax 2.57 .12 14.84 <.01 4.66 <.05
Z2: 61–70% HRmax 10.05 <.05 6.79 <.05 2.69 .11
Z3: 71–80% HRmax 5.48 <.05 1.53 .22 .01 .99
Z4: 81–90% HRmax 3.79 .06 9.84 <.05 4.23 <.05
Z5: 91–95% HRmax .16 .69 3.82 .06 1.79 .19
Z6: >95% HRmax .07 .79 .83 .37 1.23 .27
n.s.: not significant due to equal means, df=1 in all values