Table 4. Mean (±SD) inter-test reliability of single-leg balance test performed with eyes closed on a force plate.
Test 1 Test 2 TE ICC %CV SWC P value
Sway Velocity – ND (m/s) .086 (.020) .085 (.020) .010 .67 12 .003 .78
Sway Velocity – D (m/s) .091 (.018) .089 (.018) .008 .79 9 .003 .63
Sway Velocity AP – ND (m/s) .060 (.015) .060 (.014) .008 .61 13 .003 .79
Sway Velocity AP – D (m/s) .061 (.012) .062 (.013) .004 .89 7 .003 .47
Sway velocity ML – ND (m/s) .048 (.012) .048 (.011) .005 .78 11 .002 .75
Sway Velocity ML – D (m/s) .052 (.012) .049 (.012) .008 .41 15 .002 .32
ND = Non-Dominant, D = Dominant, AP = Anterior / Posterior, ML = Medial / Lateral, TE = Typical Error, ICC = Intraclass Correlation Coefficient, %CV = % Coefficient of Variation, SWC = Smallest Worthwhile Change,*= significantly different between Trial 1 and 2 (p ≤ 0.05).