Table 4. Comparison of estimated maximum oxygen uptake levels (ml/ kg/ min) between adolescents who met and did not meet the daily step-based recommendations related to achieving at least 60 min per day of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity
Step-based index Cut-off point Not meeting Meeting Mann-Whitney U test RR (95% CI)a
n Mdn (IQR) n Mdn (IQR) Z p r
Uncensored total steps 11,111 steps 108 39.9 (7.9) 18 43.8 (7.2) 2.407 0.016 0.21 3.02 (1.06-8.67)
Censored total steps 8,606 steps 100 39.4 (7.9) 26 43.8 (7.2) 2.961 0.003 0.26 2.50 (1.03-6.07)
Uncensored steps/ min 8.7 steps/ min 93 39.4 (7.9) 33 41.1 (8.2) 1.487 0.137 0.13 1.54 (0.69-3.42)
Censored steps/ min 45.1 steps/ min 86 39.4 (7.9) 40 41.2 (9.6) 1.896 0.058 0.17 2.28 (1.06-4.90)
Min ≥ 65 steps/ min 60 min 108 39.4 (7.9) 18 43.8 (6.7) 2.977 0.003 0.27 4.09 (1.36-12.29)
Steps ≥ 65 steps/ min 5,684 steps 106 39.4 (7.9) 20 43.8 (6.4) 2.984 0.003 0.27 3.70 (1.32-10.39)
PC min ≥ 65 steps/ min 4.9% 102 39.9 (7.9) 24 42.5 (8.9) 1.911 0.056 0.17 2.08 (0.84-5.14)
PC steps ≥ 65 steps/ min 55.0% 107 41.1 (7.9) 19 43.8 (10.8) 2.346 0.019 0.21 3.35 (1.18-9.51)
Peak 1-min cadence 124 steps 83 38.5 (6.2) 43 43.8 (6.9) 4.131 < 0.001 0.37 3.87 (1.78-8.42)
Peak 30-min cadence 86 steps 76 39.0 (7.9) 50 41.2 (6.8) 2.177 0.030 0.19 2.31 (1.11-4.79)
Peak 60-min cadence 72 steps 85 39.4 (7.9) 41 41.2 (6.1) 1.709 0.088 0.15 1.83 (0.86-3.87)
Mdn, Median; IQR, Interquartile range; r, Rosenthal’s r effect size; RR (95% CI), Risk ratio (95% confident interval); PC, Percentage.a Healthy vs. unhealthy cardiorespiratory fitness profiles (Welk et al., 2011).