Table 4. Mean (SD) of electromyography of muscle for the pivot leg at three different RHK heights during the attack period.
Variables LT MT HT F value p value
RFEMG (MVIC) 0.47(0.24) 0.52(0.24) 0.54(0.27) 2.527 0.103
BFEMG (MVIC) 0.32(0.15) 0.29(0.11) 0.29(0.10) 1.290 0.295
ADEMG (MVIC) 0.43(0.22) 0.43(0.24) 0.43(0.23) 0.032 0.969
GMEMG (MVIC) 0.56(0.23) 0.56(0.23) 0.57(0.24) 0.205 0.698
CIBF-RF # 0.42(0.17) 0.37(0.14) 0.36(0.13) 4.292 0.027 *
CIGM-AD 0.51(0.18) 0.52(0.18) 0.53(0.18) 0.592 0.498
* p < 0.05;# LT vs HT p < 0.05;RHK, round house kicking; SD, standard deviation; LT, low height; MT, middle height; HT, high height; EMG, electromyography; MVIC, maximum autonomous isometric contractions; RF, rectus femoris; BF, biceps femoris; AD, adductor femoris; GM, gluteus medius; CI, co-contraction index.