Table 4. Model comparison (game condition) for the Bayesian ANOVA of the technical-tactical variables.
Models P (M|data) BFM BF10 Error %
<6.75-m FGM
Game condition 0.890 8.101 1.000
Null model 0.110 0.123 0.123 0.883
<6.75-m FGMs
Game condition 1.000 38260.804 1.000
Null model 2.614e-5 2.614e-5 2.614e-5 0.939
>6.75-m FGM
Game condition 1.000 3046.219 1.000
Null model 3.282e-4 3.283e-4 3.283e-4 0.872
>6.75-m FGMs
Game condition 1.000 4.109e+11 1.000
Null model 2.434e-12 2.434e-12 2.434e-12 1.123
Game condition 0.997 338.660 1.000
Null model 0.003 0.003 0.003 1.206
Game condition 1.000 3.008e+9 1.000
Null model 3.325e-10 3.325e-10 3.325e-10 1.925
Null model 0.815 4.407 1.000
Game condition 0.185 0.227 0.227 1.753
Game condition 0.999 1130.483 1.000
Null model 8.838e-4 8.846e-4 8.846e-4 0.782
Game condition 1.000 7.815e+6 1.000 1.390
Null model 1.280e-7 1.280e-7 1.280e-7 1.390
Game condition 1.000 3.821e+19 1.000
Null model 2.617e-20 2.617e-20 2.617e-20 0.915
Ball screen
Null model 0.761 3.184 1.000
Game condition 0.239 0.314 0.314 0.854
Off-ball screen
Game condition 0.996 222.790 1.000
Null model 0.004 0.004 0.004 1.809
The prior model probabilities were all equal (0.5). P (M|data) = posterior model probability; BFM = posterior model odds; BF10 = Bayes factor.