Table 4. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients between movement quality and each of the five economy variables during each pattern.
Variables Correlation of variable with movement quality rating of the same pattern
running flutter kick breaststroke eggbeater
r p r p r p r p
HR -.12 .40 -.07 .60 -.29 .035 -.42 .002
V̇O2 -.13 .35 -.08 .59 -.27 .058 -.38 .006
PRT -.09 .55 -.22 .12 -.37 .007 -.39 .004
RPE -.08 .56 -.27 .05 -.44 .001 -.70 .001
TLX raw -.05 .72 -.24 .09 -.42 .002 -.66 .001
TLX cog -.02 .90 -.234 .10 -.446 .001 -.75 .001
Abbreviations: HR = heart rate, RPE = rating of perceived exertion, PRT = probe reaction time, V̇ O2= oxygen consumption relative to body weight, TLXcog = cognitive subscale of NASA TLX.