Table 4. Subgroup analysis of the effect of physical activity on visual perception and executive function.
Subgroup Cut-off Included literature Heterogeneity test SMD(95% CI) P
I2 % P
Sample characteristics Overweight 0 / / / /
DCD 2 99.0 0.000 1.02(-3.41, 5.46) 0.650
Others 2 99.0 0.000 0.81(-0.66, 2.28) 0.160
Activity duration < 30 min 2 73.0 0.060 1.33(0.75, 1.91) 0.000
30 to 60 min 2 81.0 0.020 0.34 (-0.30, 0.98) 0.290
> 60 min 0 / / / /