Table 5. The parameters of the distributions of points in a tiebreaker and advantage match using 50-40 games for different values of and .
pA pB MpmT UpmT CpmT SpmT KpmT Q(300) Mpm Upm Cpm Spm Kpm P(300)
.50 .50 198.43 44.01 .22 .05 -.71 .01 198.94 44.93 .23 .14 -.54 .02
.55 .55 199.71 44.39 .22 .05 -.71 .02 200.09 45.08 .23 .11 -.58 .02
.60 .60 201.93 44.89 .22 .05 -.71 .02 202.31 45.58 .23 .11 -.58 .02
.65 .65 205.18 45.52 .22 .05 -.71 .02 205.71 46.47 .23 .14 -.53 .03
.70 .70 209.79 46.40 .22 .06 -.71 .03 210.71 48.10 .23 .21 -.38 .04
.75 .75 216.64 47.81 .22 .06 -.73 .05 218.71 51.70 .24 .39 .12 .06