Table 5. p-values for the differences into electric activity (maximal amplitude of EMG - AmaxEMG; integral EMG signal - iEMG) from different DJ types(bounce landning - BL, counter landing – CL and bounce drop jump – BDJ) for the five muscles: m.gastrocnemius laterlis (GL), m.gastrocnemius medialis (GM), m.soleus (S), m.vastus lateralis (VL) and m.tibialis anterior (TA).
GL AmaxEMG .588 .038 .122
GM AmaxEMG .384 .197 .670
S AmaxEMG .701 .041 .022
VL AmaxEMG .643 .038 .103
TA AmaxEMG .854 .037 .042
GL iEMG .808 .195 .122
GM iEMG .731 .231 .389
S iEMG .715 .164 .078
VL iEMG .532 .100 .303
TA iEMG .843 .072 .106