Table 5. .
Tendinopathies Proposed treatments
Tennis elbow - (Orthotic)
- (US)
- (Corticosteroid injection)
- Eccentric training
- Sclerosant injection
- BTA injections
- Injection of blood or PRP
- Topical NO therapy
Rotator cuff tendinopathy - US (calcific tendinopathy)
- (Corticosteroid injection)
- ESWT (calcific tendinopathy)
- Sclerosant injection
- Topical NO therapy
Jumper’s knee - Eccentric training
- Sclerosing injection
- Injection of blood or PRP
- Injections of MMP-inhibitor
Achilles tendinopathy - (Orthotic)
- Eccentric training
- Sclerosing injections
- Topical NO therapy
- Injections of MMP-inhibitor