Table 5. Item difficulties.
Sample A Sample B Sample C
time frame type of activity N item
N item
N item
previous 3 weeks end with low I 55 1.87 25 2.6 5 1.9
end with mod I 55 2.18 26 2.19 58 2.41
end with high I 51 1.31 24 1.75 58 2.21
speed/strength 52 1.25 25 2.4 58 2.69
transport 54 1.87 25 2.24 58 2.6
previous 3 years end with low I 54 1.98 25 2.44 60 2.33
end with mod I 55 2.00 26 2.46 60 2.47
end with high I 53 1.02 24 1.96 60 2.28
speed/strength 54 1.41 25 2.76 60 3.07
transport 55 2.13 26 2.27 60 2.65
between 40 &
60 years
end with low I 24 1.62
end with mod I 24 1.92
end with high I 23 1.09
speed/strength 23 1.13
transport 22 1.50
between 20 &
40 years
end with low I 49 1.98 24 2.5 25 2.28
end with mod I 49 2.16 25 2.4 25 2.44
end with high I 48 1.12 24 2 25 2.28
speed/strength 49 1.35 24 2.46 25 2.96
transport 49 2.04 24 2.25 25 2.68
youth end with low I 55 1.96 25 2.44 59 2.49
end with mod I 55 2.24 26 2.31 58 2.41
end with high I 53 1.32 25 2.04 58 2
speed/strength 53 1.72 25 2.68 59 2.78
transport 55 2.20 25 2.44 59 2.63
I: intensity; mod: moderate; end: endurance.