Table 5. Serum variables before and after SizeOn maximum performance supplementation and resistance training. Values are means (±SD).
Variable Group Day 0 Day 43 Group (p ≤ .05) Test (p ≤ .05) Group x Test (p ≤ .05)
Insulin (µIU·ml–1) SIZE 18.84 (5.57) 21.1 (7.4) .905 .760 .433
PCC 20.22 (10.72) 19.2 (4.2)
IGF-1 (pg·ml–1) SIZE 3317.9 (740.4) 3207.6 (822.7) .361 .950 .750
PCC 3491.4 (1267.8) 3565.5 (1215.5)
HGH (pg·ml–1) SIZE 206.8 (277.7) 275.9 (281.3) .169 .819 .891
PCC 229.8 (280.3) 277.1 (245.1)
Cortisol (pg·ml–1) SIZE 3120.8 (204.7) 3051.9 (160.6) .608 .182 .727
PCC 3109.5 (214.0) 2992.4 (362.4)
Serum variables for the PCC (n = 12) and SIZE (n = 12) groups. There were no significant differences associated with resistance training (p > 0.05) or supplementation (p > 0.05).