Table 5. Mean (±SD) inter-test reliability of single-leg landing test performed onto a force plate from 1 meter away with a self-selected jump height.
Test 1 Test 2 TE ICC %CV SWC P value
Relative Peak Force – ND (N/Kg) 4.58 (1.00) 4.89 (1.05) .67 .58 14 .21 .13
Relative Peak Force – D (N/Kg) 4.76 (.90) 5.05 (1.15) .57 .71 12 .21 .10
Relative Impulse – ND (N*s/Kg) 2.18 (.31) 2.27 (.24) .17 .64 8 .05 .09
Relative Impulse – D (N*s/Kg) 2.22 (.27) 2.31 (.26) .15 .68 7 .05 .05*
Time to Stabilization – ND (s) .63 (.12) .62 (.13) .08 .60 13 .03 .82
Time to Stabilization – D (s) .66 (.17) .60 (.14) .13 .28 21 .03 .10
*= significantly different between Trial 1 and 2 (p ≤ 0.05).ND = Non-Dominant, D = Dominant, TE = Typical Error, ICC = Intraclass Correlation Coefficient, %CV = % Coefficient of Variation, SWC = Smallest Worthwhile Change,