Table 5. The physiological and perceptual responses at Pre-P1, Post-P1, and Pre-P2, and immediate following the three sets of repeated-sprint ability tests (1st S, 2nd S, 3rd S) in each IEP in the CON and RWU trials (n=9).
Pre-P1 P1-IEP Post-P1 Pre-P2 P2-IEP
1st S 2nd S 3rd S 1st S 2nd S 3rd S
[La] (mmol·l-1) .96 ±.25 / 6.17 ±2.57*†  3.96±1.90*
HR (beats·min-1) 87 ±16 150 ±12*†  166 ±11*†  172 ±10*†  171 ±13*†  103±10* 149±12*†  164±10*†  170±10*† 
RPB .28 ±.26 3.88 ±2.17*†  6.38 ±1.92*†  7.50 ±1.31*†  7.33 ±0.71*†  1.83±1.66* 4.63±2.50*†  7.25±1.58*†  7.75±1.38*† 
RPE 6.7 ±.7 12.6 ±2.9*†  15.8 ±2.3*†  16.8 ±1.5*†  17.1 ±1.2*†  10.4±2.9* 13.5±2.8*†  16.4±1.6*†  17.4±1.6*† 
[La] (mmol·l-1) .93 ±.34 5.26 ±2.38*†  3.80±1.58*
HR (beats·min-1) 88 ±16 151 ±10*†  167 ±7*†  170 ±11*†  166 ±12*†  101±9* 149±9*†  164±9*†  174±9*† 
RPB .28 ±.26 4.00 ±1.31*†  6.13 ±1.89*†  7.13 ±1.73*†  6.89 ±1.90*†  2.11±1.88* 5.63±2.26*†  7.50±1.60*†  8.00±1.20*† 
RPE 7.2 ±1.2 13.0 ±2.2*†  15.8 ±2.4*†  17.0 ±1.9*†  16.6 ±1.6*†  10.9±3.0* 14.8±2.1*†  17.5±1.5*†  17.9±1.1*† 
* Significantly different from the Pre-P1 (p<0.05)†  Significantly different from the Pre-P2 (p<0.05); LA, blood lactate; HR, heart rate; RPB, rating of perceived breathlessness; RPE, rating of perceived exertion.