Table 5. Parameters of the included animal studies
First author, Year n Animal Muscle group Intensity of electrical stimulation Velocity Range of Motion Stretch/shortening Muscle/fibre length at beginning Notice
Bullimore, 2008 6 Frog (Xenopus laevis) Lumbrical muscle, single fibres Slightly less than maximal Stretch: 0.1 fibre length/s Shortening: maximal possible velocity 0.05 L0 / 0,25,50,75,100,200,300,400 % of stretch distance 1.15 L0 Delay of 600 ms between stretch and shortening
Cavagna, 1968 5 Frog/Toad (Rana esculenta and Bufo bufo) Sartorius and gastrocnemius Slightly less than maximal 3-60 mm/s 3 mm / 3 mm ? Also on man’s forearm flexor
Cavagna, 1974 12 Frog/Toad (Rana esculenta and Bufo bufo) Gastrocnemius, sartorius and semitendinosus Supramaximal stimulation Stretch:3-4mm/s shortening: 190,170 mm/s 5 mm / 5 mm -2.5mm L0
Cavagna, 1981 21 Frog (Rana esculanta) Sartorius Supramaximal stimulation Stretch: 1.1 or 22.9mm/s Shortening: 180, 210 or 285mm/s 2 mm / 2 mm L0
Cavagna, 1994 37 Frog (Rana temporaria) Carput laterale and tibialis anterior, single fibres Supramaximal stimulation Between 0.5 – 8.6 % of sarcomere strain 0.03-1.8 sarcomer length/s / isotonic release ?
Ettema, 1990a 5 Rat (Wistar) Gastrocnemius medialis Supramaximal stimulation Stretch: 5, 10 or 20 mm/s Shortening: 40 mm/s 1.33, 2.5 or 5 mm / 6 mm L0-1 mm, L0+1.5 mm or L0+2.75 mm
Ettema, 1990b 5 Rat (Wistar) Gastrocnemius medialis Supramaximal stimulation Stretch: 20mm/s Shortening: ? 4 mm / 4 mm L0
Ettema, 1992 7 Rat (Wistar) Gastrocnemius medialis Supramaximal stimulation Stretch:20 mm/s Shortening: 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 mm/s 5 mm / 5 mm -2mm L0
Fukutani, 2017 49 Rabbit (New Zealand white rabbit) Soleus, Single fibres Maximal Stretch: 0.17, 0.3 or 1.2 μm/s Shortening: 0.3 μm/s 6 μm / 6 μm 2.4 μm
Fukutani, 2018 43 Rabbit (New Zealand white rabbit) Soleus, single fibres ? Stretch: 0.15μm/s Shortening: 48 or 600 μm/s 3 μm / 0.024 μm or 3 μm 2.724 μm or 3 μm
Herzog, 2000 8 Cat Soleus Supramaximal stimulation Stretch: 4 or 256 mm/s Shortening: 4 mm/s 4 mm / 4 mm L0
Lee, 2001 6 Cat Soleus Supramaximal stimulation Stretch: 4, 16 or 64 mm/s Shortening: 4 mm/s 2,4,6 or 8 mm / 4 mm L0+2 mm, L0, L0-2 mm, L0-4 mm
Sugi, 1988 ? Frog (Rana japonica) Tibialis anterior, single fibres Supramaximal stimulation Stretch: 0.02-0.2 of L0/s 5-9% of L0 / 4-12% of L0 L0
Takarada, 1997 ? Frog (Rana japonica) Tibialis anterior, single fibres Supramaximal stimulation Stretch: 0.08-1,0 L0/s Shortening:1.0L0/s 0.08 L0 / 0.02 L0 ? Also on human elbow flexion
LO: Muscle length in resting tension