Table 5. Spearman correlations of tests with sport performance and Half Ironman race performance.
Test and variable Half Ironman sport performance
Swim Bike Run Half Ironman race performance
Swim test time 0.877*** 0.781**
VT1 Bike power -0.236 -0.334
VT2 Bike power -0.569* -0.578*
MAP Bike -0.647* -0.574*
VT1 run pace -0.430 -0.293
VT2 run pace -0.643* -0.592*
MAS run pace -0.710* -0.647*
VO2max Bike test -0.316 -0.341
VO2max Run test 0.140 0.091
*< 0.05.** p< 0.01.*** p< 0.001.Abbreviations: VT, Ventilatory threshold; VO2max, maximal oxygen uptake; MAP, maximal aerobic power; MAS, maximal aerobic speed.