Table 5. Significant time effects of HRV parameters in pre- and post-exercise comparison.
df χ2 p Post hoc Z p d
LF power 3 35 < .001 Pre-Post5 2.533 < .001 1.729
Pre-Post10 2.133 < .001 1.32
Post5-Post15 -1.467 .011 .819
HF power 3 28.28 < .001 Pre-Post5 2 < .001 1.206
Pre-Post10 2.267 < .001 1.444
Pre-Post15 1.733 .001 1.001
EDR 3 9.48 .024 Pre-Post5 -1.4 .018 .775
Rows defined by HRV parameters. Global results – left column, post hoc-test via Dunn-Bonferroni – right column.