Table 5. Mean digital media use during both periods, stratified according to compliance with PA recommendations
Media use variable During normal times During the COVID-19 interventions
PA recommendations complied with mean (SD) PA recommendations not complied with mean (SD) Difference in means* PA recommendations complied with mean (SD) PA recommendations not complied with mean (SD) Difference in means*
Smartphone 2.27 (±1.18) 2.60 (±1.22) 0.33 2.96 (±1.30) 3.03 (±1.31) 0.06
TV 0.67 (±0.84) 0.93 (±1.0) 0.26 1.03 (±1.12) 1.14 (±1.26) 0.12
PC/computer/tablet 2.08 (1±.41) 2.02 (±1.38) -0.06 2.90 (±1.63) 2.96 (±1.60) 0.06
Gaming console 0.17 (±0.49) 0.19 (±0.56) 0.02 0.23 (±0.67) 0.35 (±0.91) 0.12
Total media use 5.19 (±2.16) 5.75 (±2.33) 0.55 7.12 (±2.74) 7.48 (±2.79) 0.36
Total social media use 2.46 (±1.51) 2.91 (±1.77) 0.45 3.64 (2.15) 3.85 (±2.43) 0.21
* Difference in means calculated by: mean (PA recommendations not complied with) – mean (PA recommendations complied with).PA physical activity; SD standard deviation.