Table 5. Estimated means and SE at baseline (pre-) and posttest and absolute change (±SD) for endurance exercise capacity in the football training (FOOT) and the control (CON) group.
FOOT CON Time Time x group
Mean SE Change Mean SE Change
Speed at 2 mM lactate (km h-1) Pre 6.09 0.31 6.51 0.28
Post 7.26 0.32 1.17 ± 1.27 6.85 0.28 0.34 ± 1.24 0.006a 0.050a
Speed at 4 mM lactate (km h-1) Pre 8.15 0.43 8.52 0.40
Post 9.25 0.43 1.10 ± 0.48 9.26 0.40 0.74 ± 1.06 0.004 0.214
RPE Pre 15.3 0.5 14.7 0.5
Post 13.4 0.5 -1.7 ± 1.0* 14.3 0.5 -0.3 ± 1.8 <0.001 0.005
Heart rate (bpm) Pre 155 3.2 149 2.9
Post 139 3.2 -14.6 ± 6.7* 144 2.9 -4.9 ± 10.8* <0.001 0.004
Lactate (mM) Pre 5.49 0.38 5.51 0.35
Post 3.50 0.38 -1.99 ± 1.16 4.12 0.35 -1.38 ± 1.87 0.001a 0.142a
p-values of Linear Mixed-Effects Models analyses (significant values in bold)* significant within-group change from Pre to Postanot normally distributed and log transformed for the analyses. For easier interpretation, non-transformed data means were reported for all variables. RPE = rating of perceived exertion. RPE, heart rate and lactate values of the common highest intensity block, completed in the pre- as well as post-intervention test were reported (i.e., values at the same speed level in both tests).