Table 6. The probabilities two equal players A and B win a tiebreak set in an even and odd number of games when there is a probabilistic advantage D in being behind in scores.
PA .50 .55 .60 .65 .70 .75 .80
PB .50 .55 .60 .65 .70 .75 .80
D .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10
P(A wins even) .2712 .2502 .2269 .2012 .1726 .1405 .1035
P(A wins odd) .2288 .2403 .2537 .2685 .2845 .3013 .3184
P(A wins) .5000 .4905 .4806 .4697 .4571 .4417 .4219
P(B wins even) .2712 .2901 .3066 .3206 .3315 .3382 .3384
P(B wins odd) .2288 .2194 .2128 .2097 .2114 .2200 .2397
P(B wins) .5000 .5095 .5194 .5303 .5429 .5583 .5781