Table 6. Comparison with DeLongs nonparametric test (DeLong et al., 1988) between the AUC of the classification models.
Models for AUC comparison AUC [95% CI] AUC [95% CI] Z p
Coaches’ eye model vs. motor performance model .82 [.74; .90] .71 [.58; .84] 1.50 .13
Coaches’ eye model vs. multidimensional model .82 [.74; .90] .85 [.76; .94] -0.60 .55
Motor performance model vs. multidimensional model .71 [.58; .84] .85 [.76; .94] -2.40 .02§
Coaches’ eye model vs. coaches’ eye and motor performance model .82 [.74; .90] .88 [.81; .95] -1.86 .06
Motor performance model vs. coaches’ eye and motor performance model .71 [.58; .84] .88 [.81; .95] -3.23 < .01§
Coaches’ eye model vs. holistic model .82 [.74; .90] .93 [.87; .98] -2.97 < .01§
Multidimensional model vs. holistic model .85 [.76; .94] .93 [.87; .98] -2.35 .02§
Coaches’ eye and motor performance model vs. holistic model .88 [.81; .95] .93 [.87; .98] -1.69 .09
‡ Due to missing practical or theoretical relevance, two comparisons (motor performance vs. holistic, multidimensional vs. holistic) have been omitted for economic reasons.§ Significant difference between the classification models (p < .05; false discovery rate adjusted p-threshold: .031; Benjamini and Hochberg, 1995).