Table 6. Comparison of estimated maximum oxygen uptake levels (ml/ kg/ min) between adolescents who met and did not meet the daily step-based recommendations related to having less than 69% of the day in sedentary behavior.
Step-based index Cut-off point Not meeting Meeting Mann-Whitney U test RR (95% CI)a
n Mdn (IQR) n Mdn (IQR) Z p r
Uncensored total steps 7,773 steps 52 39.0 (7.9) 74 41.1 (8.1) 1,213 0.225 0.11 1.89 (0.91-3.92)
Censored total steps 6,836 steps 65 38.5 (7.9) 61 41.1 (7.6) 1.614 0.107 0.14 1.77 (0.87-3.60)
Uncensored steps/ min 7.4 steps/ min 64 38.5 (7.9) 62 41.1 (8.4) 2.093 0.036 0.19 1.90 (0.93-3.88)
Censored steps/ min 38.8 steps/ min 43 39.4 (7.9) 83 41.1 (8.9) 0.648 0.494 0.06 1.29 (0.61-2.73)
Minutes 0 steps/ min 652.9 min 52 41.1 (7.9) 74 41.1 (7.9) 0.276 0.783 0.02 1.26 (0.61-2.57)
Minutes < 5 steps/ min 911.4 min 52 41.1 (7.9) 74 41.1 (7.9) 0.736 0.445 0.07 1.10 (0.54-2.25)
Steps < 5 steps/ min 473.6 steps 57 41.1 (8.1) 69 41.1 (7.9) 1.148 0.251 0.10 0.59 (0.29-1.19)
PC minutes 0 steps/ min 51.8% 89 40.3 (7.9) 37 41.1 (7.6) 0.903 0.367 0.08 1.82 (0.84-3.94)
PC minutes < 5 steps/ min 74.7% 88 39.4 (7.9) 38 41.1 (7.3) 1.147 0.251 0.10 1.68 (0.78-3.62)
PC steps < 5 steps/ min 5.6% 62 39.0 (7.9) 64 41.1 (7.8) 1.506 0.132 0.13 1.49 (0.73-3.02)
Minutes 0 steps/ min (bouts) 321.1 min 68 41.1 (7.9) 58 41.1 (7.9) 0.376 0.707 0.03 1.42 (0.70-2.88)
Minutes < 5 steps/ min (bouts) 737.2 min 51 41.1 (8.9) 75 40.3 (7.9) 1.100 0.271 0.10 1.04 (0.51-2.12)
PC minutes 0 steps/ min (bouts) 28.3% 55 41.1 (7.9) 71 41.1 (7.0) 0.326 0.745 0.03 1.49 (0.73-3.04)
PC minutes <5 steps/min (bouts) 62.4% 61 41.1 (7.9) 65 41.1 (7.9) 0.397 0.692 0.04 1.23 (0.61-2.50)
Steps bottom 240 min 0.9 steps 124 41.1. (7.9) 2 40.8 (-) - - - -
Steps bottom 360 min 0.5 steps 109 41.1 (7.9) 17 41.1 (8.0) 0.283 0.777 0.03 1.17 (0.42-3.27)
Steps bottom 480 min 0.2 steps 74 39.4 (7.9) 52 41.1 (7.8) 1.007 0.314 0.09 1.77 (0.87-3.64)
Steps bottom 600 min 28.4 steps 68 40.3 (7.9) 58 41.1 (8.1) 0.280 0.780 0.02 1.42 (0.70-2.88)
Mdn, Median; IQR, Interquartile range; r, Rosenthal’s r effect size; RR (95% CI), Risk ratio (95% confident interval); PC, Percentage.a Healthy vs. unhealthy cardiorespiratory fitness profiles (Welk et al., 2011).