Table 6. Kinematic parameters (angles in chosen joints and acceleration of the hand) - Means, Standard Deviations (SDs), Coefficients of Variation (CVs) and p value from the Fisher’s exact test (significant differences between TF1 and TF 2) in particular events during the topspin forehand, task 2 (TF2) – exemplary player 2.
Ready Backswing Contact Forward
Mean(SD) CV(%) Mean(SD) CV(%) Mean(SD) CV(%) Mean(SD) CV(%)
LumbRot -30.7p<0.01(2.1) 7 -27.4p<0.01(1.5) 5 -30.4p<0.01(4.2) 14 -35.6(2.4) 7
LumbFlex 9.7p=0.02(2.7) 27 25.1p=0.01(1.2) 5 1.5(1.8) 117 -2.5(2.1) 84
LumbLat -2.5p<0.01(2.2) 86 4.2p<0.01(1.3) 32 9.4p=0.01(2.1) 22 -1.1(1.2) 105
ChestRot 5.3(3.9) 73 19.6(2.8) 14 19.9p=0.04(2.4) 12 13.6(4.3) 31
ChestFlex 4.1(1.5) 36 7.1(1.0) 14 -3.3p<0.01(1.9) 56 -2.3(2.1) 91
ChestLat 7.2(2.0) 27 16.5(2.0) 12 15.2(3.5) 23 0.8(1.4) 176
LeftHipFlex 24.2p=0.02(4.7) 19 6.6(3.3) 50 31.5(5.1) 16 25.7(5.1) 20
LeftHipAbd 29.7(1.6) 5 33.4(3.6) 11 36.4(2.3) 6 33.8p=0.04(2.8) 8
LeftHipRot 34.9(6.8) 20 50.4p<0.01(4.1) 8 1.2p=0.03(5.5) 447 3.5(7.1) 202
LeftKneeFlex 49.2p=0.04(4.4) 9 84.2(4.9) 6 62.2(5.0) 8 39.5(7.0) 18
RightHipFlex 42.3p=0.03(6.7) 16 67.8p<0.01(3.4) 5 28.8p=0.03(3.7) 13 24.3(2.9) 12
RightHipAbd -11.9(3.7) 31 -35.4(2.0) 6 -5.1(1.8) 36 -3.3(1.8) 56
RightHipRot -37.9(3.5) 9 -49.4(3.9) 8 -23.5(4.5) 19 -17.8(4.2) 24
RightKneeFlex 42.8(9.0) 21 84.3(2.9) 3 65.1p<0.01(5.7) 9 51.5p=0.05(5.4) 11
ShExtRot -68.8(18.2) 26 -20.6p<0.01(6.2) 30 -28.7p<0.01(15.5) 54 -28.4p=0.05(13.0) 46
ShFlex 16.8p<0.01(6.2) 37 -11.6(3.6) 31 41.0p=0.04(9.5) 23 87.6p<0.01(5.0) 6
ShAbd 11.3(3.3) 29 32.6p<0.01(2.9) 9 32.5(7.3) 22 77.1p=0.01(37.9) 49
ElFlex 80.4(6.4) 8 57.9p<0.01(7.5) 13 71.7p=0.01(6.8) 9 104.9p<0.01(13.9) 13
WrExtensio 36.7p<0.01(16.3) 44 26.4p<0.01(5.6) 21 35.5p<0.01(22.3) 63 -4.8(8.7) 181
WrRad 2.8(4.9) 176 1.5p=0.02(8.5) 569 -12.6p=0.01(10.2) 81 -32.0p=0.04(13.5) 42
WrSup 20.5p<0.01(5.3) 26 -2.6(13.1) 503 29.6(14.6) 49 4.3(9.2) 215
ACC(m/s2) 164.6p<0.01(14.4) 9
Lumb – lumbar segment, Sh – shoulder, El – elbow, Wr – wrist, Rot – rotation, flex – flexion, Lat – lateral bend, Abd – abduction, ExtRot – external rotation, Rad – radial deviation, Sup – supination, bold font – significant difference with p≤0.05, bold font underlined with a single line – medium value of CV, bold font underlined with two lines – small value of CV.