Table 7. Correlations between muscular fatigue and blood lactate concentration in the three WODs.
Linear regression
R2 P
WOD 1 H (Pre-Post) VS. [lactate] (Pre- Post) 0.110 0.008*
APR (Pre-Post) VS. [lactate] (Pre- Post) 0.090 0.016*
APT (Pre-Post) VS. [lactate] (Pre- Post) 0.081 0.023*
WOD 2 H (Pre-Post) VS. [lactate] (Pre- Post) 0.141 0.002*
APR (Pre-Post) VS. [lactate] (Pre- Post) 0.144 0.002*
APT (Pre-Post) VS. [lactate] (Pre- Post) 0.179 0.000*
WOD 3 H (Pre-Post) VS. [lactate] (Pre- Post) 0.119 0.005*
APR (Pre-Post) VS. [lactate] (Pre- Post) 0.167 0.001*
APT (Pre-Post) VS. [lactate] (Pre- Post) 0.123 0.004*
H =jump height, [lactate] = blood lactate concentration APR = average power relative, APT = average power total, Pre = preexercise, Post = postexercise, WOD 1 = G modality CrossFit® workout of the day (“Cindy”), WOD 2 = M modality CrossFit® workout of the day (skip rope double unders), WOD 3 = W modality CrossFit® workout of the day (power cleans).* Significant difference (p<0.05).