Table 7. Steady-state force after SSC (animal studies).
First author, year Steady-state force after movement (SSC condition/pure shortening condition; SSC condition/isometric reference condition) Contraction modalities (Conclusion of the article)
Bullimore, 2008 7.6% ± 2.3% higher compared to pure shortening
1.4 ± 1.2% higher compared to isometric reference contraction
Dependent on shortening distance
Ettema, 1992 2% -16% higher compared to pure shortening contraction Dependent on shortening velocity
Fukutani, 2018 3.5% - 7.1% higher compared to isometric reference contraction Dependent on shortening distance
Herzog, 2000 No increase compared to pure shortening Only depressed state compared to isometric reference contraction
Lee, 2001 4-5% lower compared to isometric reference contraction Independent of stretch speed
Sugi, 1988 Lower compared to isometric reference contraction Dependent on shortening velocity