Table 7. Goodness-of-fit and classification accuracy of the binary logistic predictive models predicting adult performance level (professional vs. non-professional; N = 121).
Type of correction used in predictive motorperformance model Omnibus test of model coefficients Hosmer-Lemeshow test Model fit Correct classification
>2(8) p >2(8) p R2N %
None (raw scores) 23.53 .003 6.02 .645 0.24 64.5
Mirwald 21.40 .006 4.84 .775 0.22 66.9
Moore-1 21.39 .006 12.11 .146 0.22 67.8
Moore-2 23.02 .003 6.12 .634 0.24 64.5
Fransen-1 21.53 .006 2.45 .964 0.22 65.3
Fransen-2 21.51 .006 4.24 .835 0.22 66.1
%PAH 18.40 .018 8.79 .361 0.19 68.6
%RAH 28.23 <.001 3.79 .876 0.28 66.1
%PAH = attained percentage of the predicted adult height, %RAH = attained percentage of the real adult height.