Table 7. Items and dimensions collected in different versions of the PPLI.
Original versión of PPLI (Sum et al., 2016) PPLI for Physical Education Teachers (Sum et al., 2016), PPLI for adolescents (Sum et al., 2018), S-PPLI (López-Gil et al., 2023), and PPLI (Turkish)(Munusturlar and Yıldızer, 2019) Senior PPLI (Liu et al., 2022) PPLI for undergraduates in Mainland China (Ma et al., 2020) PPLI -Sp
Items Domain Domain Domain Domain
1 I possess adequate fundamental movement skills N/A Ability Confidence and physical competence Physical Competence
2 I am physically fit, in accordance with my age. Sense of self and self confidence Ability Confidence and physical competence Physical Competence
3 I am able to apply learnt motor skills to other physical activities N/A Ability Confidence and physical competence Physical Competence
4 I have a positive attitude and interest in sports Knowledge and Understanding N/A N/A Motivation and Confidence
5 I appreciate myself or others doing sports Knowledge and Understanding N/A Motivation Motivation and Confidence
6 I am able to apply PE knowledge in the long run N/A Ability N/A Knowledge and Understanding
7 I possess self-management skills for fitness Sense of self and self confidence N/A N/A N/A
8 I possess self-evaluation skills for health Sense of self and self confidence N/A N/A Knowledge and Understanding
9 I am willing to do sports for better health N/A Attitude N/A N/A
10 I have strong communication skills N/A Sociality Interaction with the environments N/A
11 I have strong social skills Self-expression and communication with others Sociality Interaction with the environments N/A
12 I am confident in wild/natural survival Self-expression and communication with others N/A N/A N/A
13 I am capable in handling problems and difficulties Self-expression and communication with others N/A N/A N/A
14 I have a mindset for lifelong sports N/A Attitude N/A N/A
15 I can turn doing sports into an on-going habit of life N/A Attitude N/A N/A
16 I establish friendship through sports N/A Attitude N/A Motivation and Confidence
17 I am aware of the benefits of sports related to health Knowledge and Understanding Attitude Motivation N/A
18 I aspire to know the current sports trend N/A N/A Motivation Knowledge and Understanding
N/A: Not applicable.