Table 8. Communalities (h) and factor loadings of the rotated principal components (N = 141).
time frame PA components
h2 1 2 3 4
previous 3 weeks end low I .66 .25 .2 -.02 .74
end mod I .65 .67 .14 -.12 .40
end high I .71 .81 .04 .25 .03
speed/strength .80 .20 .02 .87 -.01
transport .74 .09 .82 .18 .19
previous 3 years end low I .80 .18 .13 .03 .87
end mod I .71 .74 .01 -.01 .41
end high I .68 .76 .06 .29 .13
speed/strength .84 .17 .07 .90 .03
transport .76 .11 .84 .08 .21
20-40 years
end low I .84 .16 .15 .01 .89
end mod I .72 .70 .15 -.03 .45
end high I .82 .87 .03 .25 .09
speed/strength .87 .20 .22 .88 -.04
transport .83 .05 .88 .16 .18
youth end low I .52 .22 .41 .09 .54
end mod I .55 .55 .42 -.08 .27
end high I .55 .63 .35 .17 .02
speed/strength .64 -.03 .08 .79 .03
transport .64 .14 .79 -.01 .05
eigenvalue 7.24 3.15 2.52 1.41
% of variance 22.40 17.10 16.49 15.65
α .90 .89 .90 .84
PA: physical activity; I: intensity; end: endurance; mod: moderate α: internal consistency.