Table 9. Summary of the studies on bending stiffness effect (n = 7).
Reference Shoe
Subject Info
(Numbers, Sex, Age, Landing type)
Outcome PEDro Score
Hoogkamer et al., (2018) 1. New prototype shoe (NP)
2. Nike racing
shoe (Nike)
3. Adidas racing
shoe (Adidas)
3.89, 4.44 & 5.0 18, M, 23.7,
Overground running NP ↓ energetic cost
than other two shoes
NA 6
Madden et al., (2015) 1. Control
shoe (Control)
2. 185% Stiffer
shoe (Stiff)
Began at 2.2 m/s, with
increasing by 0.2 m/s every two min
18, M, 28.0, rearfoot
200 m
indoor track
Stiff ↓ peak MTP bending & peak plantarflexion velocity;
→ running economy; 10 of 18 athletes improved their running economy across bending stiffness
NA 6
Oh & Park, (2017) 1. Stiffness 1.5
2. Stiffness 10
3. Stiffness 24.5
4. Stiffness 32.1
5. Stiffness 42.1
Under the
anaerobic threshold
19, NA, 24.7, rearfoot striker Treadmill
Stiffer ↑ stance time & push-off time;
Stiffer↓ MTP flexion but ↑ GRP
moment arm from ankle;
Stiffer↓ mean MTPJ angular impulse.
NA 6
Roy & Stefanyshyn, (2006) Bending stiffness:
1.18 N•mm (Control)
2.38 N•mm (Stiff)
3.45N•mm (Stiffest)
Submaximal running speed 13, NA, 27.0, rearfoot striker Treadmill
Stiff ↓ max & rate of VO2
than Control;
Stiffest ↑ peak ankle moments
than Stiff & Control;
Stiffest ↑ mean energy absorbed at ankle joint than Control;
Stiff ↓ 1% metabolic energy
than Control;
→ MTP, knee & hip moments, & EMG RMS.
NA 6
Stefanyshyn & Fusco, (2004) 1.Standard shoe
2.Stiffness 42 (S42)
3.Stiffness 90 (S90)
4.Stiffness 120 (S120)
Maximal effort 34, M =30, F=
4, AGE, rearfoot striker
20m sprint Stiffer shoes (S42, S90, S120) ↓ sprint times than Control. NA 6
Stefanyshyn & Nigg, (2000) 1.Stiffness 0.04
2.Stiffness 0.25
3.Stiffness 0.38 (Stiff)-1
4.0±0.4 5, M, 32.0, rearfoot striker Overground running Stiff shoe ↓energy lost at MTP
than Medium & Control;
Medium & Stiff ↓ energy absorbed
at MTP than Control;
→ energy generation & absorption
at ankle, knee & hip.
NA 6
Willwacher et al.,
1.Shoe 0.65-0.76 (Control)
2.Shoe 5.29-7.11
3.Shoe 16.16-17.10 (High-S)
3.5 m/s ± 5%. 19, M, 25.3, rearfoot striker Overground
Medium-S & High-S ↑ GRF lever arms for all joints than Control;
Medium-S ↓ mean ankle joint
moments than Control & High-S;
High-S ↓ MTP negative work but ↑ positive work than Control and
Medium-S & High-S ↑ stance time & push-off time than Control;
Control ↑ MTP RoM & maximum
dorsiflexion than Medium-S & High-S.
NA 6
Min = Minute, MTP = metatarsophalangeal, VO2 = oxygen consumption, EMG = electromyography, RMS = root mean square, RoM = range of motion, NA = Not available.