Supplementary Table 2. Mean PlayerLoad™, 95% confidence intervals (95%Cl) and standard deviations (SD) at point of contact, time difference between peaks and point of tackle completion by shoulder dominance between technical scoring categories. Data reported at Arbitrary Units.
Point of contact (AU) Time difference between peaks (s) Point of tackle completion (AU)
Low scoring tackles
Mean 95%Cl SD Mean 95%Cl SD Mean 95%Cl SD
Dominant shoulder tackles 7.0 4.8-9.2 2.9 0.8 0.6-1.0 0 3.5 1.3-5.8 2.9
Non-dominant shoulder tackles 4.6 3.3-5.8 2.4 0.9 0.7-1.0 0 2.6 1.7 – 3.4 1.5
Medium scoring tackles
Dominant shoulder tackles 6.2 5.7-6.8 0.5 0.9 0.8-0.9 9.0 4.3 3.6-5.0 2.1
Non-dominant shoulder tackles 5.6 5.1-6.2 2.0 0.9 0.8-0.9 12.4 4.1 3.3-4.9 2.7
High scoring tackles
Dominant shoulder tackles 6.0 5.6-6.5 1.7 0.9 0.8-0.9 16.4 5.7 5.1-6.4 2.7
Non-dominant shoulder tackles 5.7 5.1-6.2 1.8 0.9 0.8-0.9 13.1 5.3 4.5-6.1 2.5