Table S2. Sports injury by body part according to the Taekwondo athlete type.
Variables Sparring (n) Poomsae (n) Demonstration (n) Total (N) x2 df p
Face 1 (0.81%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 1 (0.21%) 111.556 16 0.000
Neck 0 (0.00%) 1 (0.76%) 4 (1.85%) 5 (1.06%)
Trunk (waist) 5 (4.00%) 12 (9.09%) 15 (6.94%) 32 (6.78%)
Arm(elbow) 4 (4.03%) 1 (0.76%) 2 (0.93%) 7 (1.48%
Shoulder 0 (0.00%) 2 (1.52%) 3 (1.39%) 5 (1.1%)
Wrist 18 (14.52%) 3 (2.27%) 3 (1.39%) 24 (5.08%)
Knee 20 (16.13%) 30 (27.73%) 53 (24.54%) 103 (21.82%)
Ankle 67 (54.03%) 35 (26.52%) 119 (55.09%) 221 (46.82%)
Pelvis and hips 9 (7.26%) 48 (36.36%) 17 (7.87%) 74 (15.68%)
Total 124 (100%) 132 (100%) 216 (100%) 472 (100%)