Table S4. Causes of injury according to Taekwondo athlete type.
Variables Sparring (n) Poomsae (n) Demonstration (n) Total (N) x2 df p
Lack of stamina 17 (13.7%) 11 (8.3%) 10 (4.6%) 38 (8.1%) 50.251 12 0.000
Excessive desire to win 29 (23.4%) 13 (9.8%) 23 (10.6%) 65 (13.8%)
Excessive tension 20 (16.1%) 13 (9.8%) 39 (18.1%) 72 (15.3%)
Insufficient warm-up 15 (12.1%) 31 (23.5%) 36 (16.7%) 82 (17.4%)
Excessive training and chronic fatigue 37 (29.8%) 44 (33.3%) 61 (28.2%) 142 (30.1%)
Insufficient ability 4 (3.2%) 19 (14.4%) 47 (21.8%) 70 (14.8%)
Other 2 (1.6%) 1 (0.8%) 0 (0.0%) 3 (0.6%)
Total 124 (100.0%) 132 (100.0%) 216 (100.0%) 472 (100.0%)