Table 4. Description of the sequence “To deploy the parachute”.
Representamen Action Units Interpretant
René Beep of the altisound
Distance of the others
Pulls upward on the handle Feels comfortable
Tension on the harness
Form of the parachute
Has a brief look at the parachute All is OK
Laurent Beep of the altisound
Distance of the others
Pulls upward on the handle Monitors the deployment
Tension on the harness
Form of the parachute
Watches the deployment of the parachute All is OK, thus feels calm and safe
Bertrand Beep of the altisound Pulls upward on the handle Needs to monitor the deployment
Completeness of material Gathers the scattered secondary material Feels relaxed
Eric Beep of altisound
Position of the others
Pulls upward on the handle A little bit anxious about a possible twist in the parachute
Tension on the harness
Form of the parachute
Watches the deployment of the parachute Feels satisfied but frustrated by the end of the fall