Erratum - (2006)05, 473
ERRATUM TO 'Body water indices as markers of aging in male masters swimmers. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2005) 4, 406-414'

Although Figure 1 of the above mentioned article is pictured correctly, the equation for the regression line has been erroneously reported (y = 33.967 - 0.442x). It should be y = 33.967 - 0.1294x. Please find the corrected version of the Figure Legend together with the Figure below. We apologize for the mistake. Georgianna Tuuri et al.

Figure 1. Intracellular water and age in male swimmers. The equation for the regression line is y = 33.967 - 0.1294x. The regression coefficient, r2 = 0.20 (p = 0.02).
