Book review - (2006)06, 577
Proceedings of the 10th International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry Conference, held in conjunction with 13th Commonwealth International Sport Conference
Editors: Mike Marfell-Jones and Tim Olds

Bibliographic: ISBN-10: 041543470X, ISBN-13: 978-0415434706; Routledge Publishing, New York, 2008, £85.00, 264 pages, hardcover

Subjects: human structure and function, movement, body imaging

Reviewed by: Fadil Ozyener MD, PhD, Uludag University Medical School, Bursa, Turkey

The book report on latest research in the field of kinanthropometry which looks into the relationship between the structure and function of the human body, particularly within the context of movement

Kinanthropometry X aims to present papers those represent the current state of research and data in that field. The papers were presented to the tenth conference of the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK) which was held in combination with the 13th Commonwealth International Sport Conference, prior to the XVIII Commonwealth Games

These proceedings should be of interest to postgraduates and researchers working across a wide range of areas, including sport, ergonomics, exercise and health sciences and kinesiology

The tenth volume of the Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the ISAK presents a selection of seventeen papers covering topic areas in body composition and bone density; 3-dimensional analysis and body sizing; body image; virtual anthropometry, athlete morphology, sexual dimorphism, somatotype and performance prediction and anthropometric pedagogy

The tenth volume of "Kinanthropometry Proceedings" offers essential reading for postgraduate students, academics and researchers in sports medicine, exercise science, kinanthropometry, kinesiology, physical education and human sciences fields
