Book review - (2013)12, ii
Editors: Kevin Young and Michael Atkinson

Bibliographic: ISBN: 978-1-78052-296-8; 2012 by Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK, 252 pages, hardcover, $114.95.

Subjects: Sport Sociology, Physical Culture, Qualitative Methods.

Reviewed by: Ufuk Sekir, MD, Assoc. Prof., Department of Sports Medicine, Medical School of Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey.

Qualitative Research on Sport and Physical Culture takes a fresh approach to qualitative research on sport and physical culture by presenting "student friendly" engaging chapters that clearly articulate the significance and practice of qualitative and/or critical methods in plain and convincing language.

The purpose of the book is to provide a more accessible and innovative approach in the area of qualitative research methods on sociology of sport and physical culture.

The book is designed primarily for students in undergraduate programs in sociology and sociology of sport, as well as, for instance, sport, exercise, kinesiology, or health. The book will also be of interest to instructors or teachers in sociology science.

The book is composed of an introduction and 11 chapters. Each chapter has suggested five key readings, notes, and essential references at the end. The following topics are addressed in the chapters: 1-"Historical methods and traces of the past: embracing the complexities and engaging in reflexivity", 2-"The empirical strikes back: doing realist ethnography", 3-"The ethnographic interview in the sports field: towards a postmodern sensibility", 4-"Narrative analysis in sport and physical culture", 5-"Visual methods in physical culture: body culture exhibition", 6-"Media analysis in physical cultural studies: from production to reception", 7-"Critical feminist/queer methodologies: deconstructing (hetero)normative inscriptions", 8-"Embodied research methodologies and seeking the senses in sport and physical culture: a fleshing out of problems and possibilities", 9-"Autoethnography: situating personal sporting narratives in socio-cultural contexts", 10-"Two (or more) feet are better than one: mixed methods research in sport and physical culture", and 11-"Truth or dare: examining the perils, pains and pitfalls of investigative methodologies in the sociology of sport".

The book lays out both orthodox and innovative approaches in qualitative research methods, from classic modes of ethnography and interviewing, to cutting edge techniques in narrative and visual analysis. Chapters revolve around one principal method in qualitative methodology, and look at why certain methodological choices were made, what problems were faced, and how these were overcome.
