Book review - (2014)13, vi
The Athletic Trainer's Guide to Differential Diagnosis: A Visual Learning Approach
Editors: Andrew P. Winterstein and Sharon V. Clark

Bibliographic: ISBN: 978-1-61711-053-5; 2015 by SLACK Incorporated, NJ, USA, 430 pages, soft cover (alk. paper), $48.95.

Subjects: Athletic Training, Musculoskeletal Pain, Differential Diagnosis.

Reviewed by: Ufuk Sekir, MD, Prof., Department of Sports Medicine, Medical School of Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey.

The Athletic Trainer's Guide to Differential Diagnosis: a Visual Learning Approach provides the athletic trainer in day to day clinical practice a visual mapping approach to the differential diagnosis of a wide variety of clinical musculoskeletal problems.

This book is intended to create a framework that allows the reader to think differently about differential diagnosis, access existing knowledge in anatomy and clinical evaluation, and assess information for the purpose of making higher order clinical decisions.

The book will assist the thinking skills of students, practicing athletic trainers and clinicians during decisions between differential etiologies of musculoskeletal pain.

The book is composed of 12 chapters and three appendixes. Each of the chapters covers a different body part. These are the foot, the ankle and lower leg, the knee and patellofemoral joint, the hip, the spine, the shoulder, the elbow, the wrist and hand, the head and face, and the abdomen and thorax. Each chapter begins with a general introduction, follows a case study, an anatomy map of the related body part, and differential diagnosis map that includes the history, injury mechanism, evaluation essen-tials, key findings, and diagnostic evidence. The three appendixes at the end include differential diagnosis tem-plates, clinical findings templates, and a bibliography.

The authors of this book are highly knowledgeable professions in the field of athletic training with vast experience. The presentation in this reference guide is logical and the illustrations are appropriately detailed. By this way, the reader will be able to approach to the evaluation of the differential diagnoses in a more focused and organized fashion.
