Research article - (2003)02, 163 - 168 |
Glutamine Supplementation did not Benefit Athletes During Short-Term Weight Reduction |
Kevin, J. Finn1,, Robin Lund1, Mona Rosene-Treadwell2 |
Key words: Amino acid, protein metabolism, anticatabolic |
Key Points |
This study involved a randomized trial to examine the effects of glutamine supplementation on body composition during a 12-day weight reduction program conducted by athletes. The protocol was reviewed and approved by the University's Human Subjects Committee and written informed consent was obtained. |
Subject Selection |
Male wrestlers from the college wrestling team at a mid-sized University in the United States were recruited. As part of the pre-season screening, all wrestlers were assessed for body mass and body composition (skinfold measurements). Subjects were excluded if they failed medical clearance, had body fat ≤ 7%, and body mass > 100 kg. Sixteen of the wrestlers that met inclusion criterion volunteered to participate. Two male Reserve Officer Training Corp (ROTC) members were recruited that were engaged in a regular conditioning program in order to obtain a 80% statistical power and an alpha level of 0.05. Baseline age, weight, height, and body composition for the subjects are listed in |
Dietary Intervention |
All meals were planned using a composition high in carbohydrates (55%) throughout the study period with both groups receiving an energy intake value relative to their pre-study body weight. The food was measured, weighed and served to each individual subject. All subjects were fed three times per day at the campus-dining center and monitored to ensure they consumed the meal. During two days prior to the weight reduction period, the subjects were fed a control diet consisting of 171.6 kJ·kg-1 body mass. This control diet was used to ensure all subjects began the weight reduction program with similar nutritional status and was based upon previous weight reduction research involving wrestlers (Horswell et al., On day 1 of the weight reduction period, the energy intake was decreased by 25% while on day 6, another 25% of energy intake was omitted. Carbohydrate percentage and protein volume (1.5 g·kg-1 body mass·day-1) was maintained for all subjects throughout the study. Fat intake was reduced (percentage and absolute volume) throughout the study to lower energy intake. There were no differences in total energy intake or macronutrient composition between groups ( |
Exercise Program |
Throughout the study, all subjects underwent two physical training sessions per day to increase energy expenditure. One session grouped 4-8 subjects together to exercise under supervision in the Human Performance Laboratory. The other session involved a total group workout conducted by the wrestling staff as part of the pre-season conditioning program. The ROTC subjects performed their group physical training program with their military peers. All sessions were evaluated to estimate energy expenditure. An exercise professional prescribed daily exercise volume and intensity for the session in the Human Performance Laboratory using estimates of daily energy expenditure (Benedict-Harris Equations), practice logs from the previous day's group activity, and known energy intakes for that day. The goal was to provide a caloric balance (energy intake = energy expenditure) for the two days prior to weight reduction, produce an energy deficit (energy intake < energy expenditure) of 4,186 kJ·day-1 for the next six days and 8,372 kJ·day-1 for the final six days. A daily record was kept to determine compliance to the supervised exercise sessions. Any subject missing a group or individual session would be subject to dismissal from the study. Subjects were instructed not to perform other vigorous exertion outside of the prescribed training as part of the study. All subjects were engaged in typical daily activities of college students. |
Treatment |
Glutamine was given in a dose of 0.35 g·kg-1 body mass·day-1 to the treatment group (n=9) split between two daily doses for 12 days. The volume of glutamine was selected since it had been tested and found safe for oral ingestion (Ziegler et al., |
Measurements |
Body composition was assessed by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry using a Hologic QDR 4500. The Hologic QDR 4500 is a multiple detector, fan beam DXA using low dose radiation (≤1mrem) to detect bone mineral content and soft tissue composition. The coefficient of variance for total lean mass and total percent fat is 1.0%. Total body scans were performed after the clinical laboratory tests in the late-morning of days 0, 6, and 12. The Whole Body V8.23 software provided total body mass, bone mineral content (BMC), lean (non-bone) mass, lean + BMC mass, and fat mass. The measures of body mass, lean + BMC (lean body mass), and fat mass were used in the analysis. |
Statistical Analysis |
Data were entered on a spreadsheet and analyzed using SPSS for Windows Version 9.0. All measures of body composition (body mass, lean body mass, fat mass) were tested for between and within group differences using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures. A probability level of 0.05 was chosen for statistical analysis. First, groups × time interactions were evaluated. If no significant interactions were evident, simple main effects were examined. Paired sample comparisons were used to test differences within the treatment group and independent T-test were used to compare each simple main effect between the two groups. A Bonferroni adjustment was made to the probability level for within group comparisons (0.05/3 = 0.0167). |
Eighteen subjects that volunteered completed all the study requirements. The means (±SEM) for body mass, lean body mass, and fat mass over the study period for the two groups are listed on |
In this study, all subjects lost a significant amount of body mass during the 12-day weight loss program, as well as a significant amount of fat-free mass and fat mass as measured by DXA. However the ingestion of glutamine had no significant effect on the amount of lean mass retained or fat loss as compared to the placebo group. Since this is one of the first studies to examine these variables during oral glutamine supplementation, offering comparison to other studies is not possible and thus evaluating the benefits of oral glutamine supplementation is difficult. Further examination of the dosage procedure and protein intake elicited observations that might offer potential explanation to the findings. For supplementation to be effective, the endogenous intake should raise the plasma glutamine to a level that is significantly greater than the placebo group. That is, during times of stress, the consumption of glutamine exceeds skeletal muscle glutamine synthesis, which results in depletion of skeletal muscle glutamine stores (Boelens et al., Assuming that the dosages were high enough to raise the plasma glutamine levels, issues arise in regards to the fate of the glutamine. Due to the high levels of glutaminase in the splanchnic tissues, it is most likely that those tissues consumed the majority of the ingested glutamine. More specifically, it has been observed that as much as 76% of infused glutamine is taken up by the splanchnic tissue during the first pass in healthy men and women (Mitterdorfer et al., In regards to protein intake, all subjects consumed a relatively high protein content throughout the study period (1.5 g·kg-1 body weight). This diet may have provided the body with adequate levels of protein as to allow for weight loss without protein catabolism. Additionally, several studies have described the efficacy of high protein diets in attenuating the loss of lean body mass during rapid weight loss (Piatti et al., Another possible explanation for the finding may be related to the total amount of body mass (and thus lean body mass) that was lost during this study period. The weight loss program may not have had sufficient time or produced the necessary energy deficit to induce the catabolic state which glutamine supplementation could benefit. The placebo group and glutamine group experienced a mean weight loss of 2.12 and 1.87 kg over the 12-day period respectively. The weight reduction program was designed to reduce energy intake and increase energy expenditure to create a large energy deficit (>8000 kJ·day-1) after the 6th day of the 12-day period. It was decided not to create this energy deficit immediately during the first week of the study so as not to promote protein catabolism. Therefore only six days of extreme energy deficit was experienced. By increasing the duration of this deficit, greater weight loss and fat-free weight loss may have been observed, however it maybe difficult for athletes to adhere to such a program for an extended period of time. It is uncommon for wrestling to severely restrict calories for more than one week (Steen and Brownell, |
In conclusion, the findings of this study indicate little benefit for retention of muscle mass with oral supplementation of glutamine, during a short-term weight reduction program commonly used in wrestling. It is likely that this study did not provide the same catabolic state or decreased plasma glutamine levels that are experienced in patients during sepsis or trauma. In addition, the high levels of protein provided in the diet of these exercising subjects may have provided adequate nitrogen to the body as to offset the protein catabolism. Since this is one of the first studies to investigate the effects of glutamine supplementation on retention of lean body mass in athletes, further studies should be conducted to determine whether these conclusions are supported. |
This research was supported by the Ethel Martin Program Research Grant, Faculty Research Grant Fund at South Dakota State University and Weider Nutrition. Special thanks to Dr. Jose Antonio, Matt Doyle and Jaime Steffen for their help with this project. |