The present study focused on a short (3 minutes) recovery period, a protocol not widely tested to our knowledge, though widely practiced by athletes. In agreement with the findings of Bangsbo and colleagues (1994), we found no statistically significant difference in blood lactate concentration between the active and passive protocols for periods up to 3 minutes. However, the same authors found that when the recovery period extended beyond three-minutes there was a higher net metabolism of lactate within active muscle during recovery. One suggested mechanism for this reduction in lactate concentration is the distribution of circulating lactate to sites of metabolism such as the liver, heart and previously inactive muscle (Belcastro and Bonen, 1975). However, others have suggested that lactate is taken up and oxidized by mild to moderately active skeletal muscle during recovery (Brookes, 1986; Thiriet et al., 1993). Lactate has long been recognized as a metabolite that accumulates during exercise and contributes to muscle fatigue (Gregg et al., 1984; Hetenyi et al., 1983; Jorfeldt, 1970), and that during exercise a rise in epinephrine causes an increase in lactate accumulation (Roth and Brooks, 1990; Stanley and Lehman, 1988). It is also well established that following intense exercise, low intensity recovery exercise results in a reduction of circulating lactate (Dodd et al., 1984; Hetenyi et al., 1983). Studies examining recovery periods and reduction in circulating lactate are equivocal (Bangsbo et al., 1994). Bangsbo and colleagues (1994) examined lactate concentration in muscle biopsy samples taken from active and inactive muscle during recovery and found that lactate concentration was similar up to 10 minutes into recovery and that arterial and venous lactate concentration showed a similar trend over the same period. Other studies have demonstrated that low intensity exercise has minimal effects on blood lactate until 15-20 minutes into recovery (Dodd et al., 1984; Hermansen and Stensvold, 1972). Active recovery has been advocated because it is thought to aid in lactate removal following intense exercise, hence reducing performance decrements in subsequent bouts. This study demonstrates differences in power output as a function of recovery mode, but those differences are not readily explained by lactate values. Our data demonstrate a consistent and expected pattern of diminishing power as subjects advanced from the first to sixth trial. Our within trial lactate data pattern was also as expected with lactate concentrations increasing with advancing trials. However, we considered that we might see a difference in the lactate pattern between our protocols. No such difference was observed. The concentration of circulating lactate is also a function of the intensity of exercise. It is well established that the potential for lactate production is highly dependent upon the rate of glycogenolytic / glycolytic flux, and it is exercise intensity that determines the flux rate in these pathways. In the current study a fixed resistance of 5.5kg was used for each subject independent of body mass. The main reason for this was that in the majority of previous relevant and cited work, this workload was used, therefore allowing us to make comparisons. Additionally, our body mass values have a small range with relatively small standard deviations, which serve to reduce the concern over this limitation. During short-term high intensity bouts of exercise, skeletal muscles become rapid producers of lactate and consequently lactate clearance is slowed. Later, during recovery there is a transition to a net lactate uptake from the blood by previously active skeletal muscle. The mechanism responsible for lactate flux during the first few minutes of exercise is unclear. However, it appears that the muscles responsible for initial increases in lactate concentration during intense exercise require a recovery period in excess of three minutes to modify intracellular lactate metabolism resulting in lactate gradient in favour of uptake by the same muscle. The explanation of a lactate gradient is incorporated in the lactate shuttle hypothesis (Brooks, 1986). So, can lactate levels explain any variation in power output? We found no statistical difference in lactate accumulation between trials. Although there was statistical difference in both average and peak power output within and between trials, we are unable to explain it using lactate. This is interesting, especially in relation to peak power, as one would expect high levels of lactate to inhibit high power production. It is apparent that with active recovery blood flow is maintained or increased to the muscle. However, it should be noted that the intracellular lactate concentration was not measured in the present study. Thus, although the plasma lactate concentrations were similar for both recovery protocols, the enhanced blood flow during the active recovery may have allowed for a decreased intracellular lactate concentration without a concomitant decrease in plasma lactate. Our methods did not address this issue. It is quite likely that blood flow plays a key role in the repletion of ATP, perhaps via creatine phosphate resynthesis, leading to a lesser decrement in power output. This was not one of our objectives and again our methods did not address this issue. An increased facilitation of aerobic metabolism to the energy supply may also have contributed to the maintenance of power output. |