An appropriately fluid range-of-motion in the body’s various joint complexes is a desirable attribute for the comfortable completion of daily tasks. In more specific circumstances selected sports demand enhanced levels of flexibility thus it is usual for athletes to devote training time to attaining and maintaining desired levels of suppleness to ensure successful participation. Techniques that promote the most effective acquisition of the attributes in question are sought after and incorporated into the training program. Such a line of thought was the stimulus for the present research when one of the authors was assisting with the flexibility training of a group of women gymnasts. During stretching exercises targeted at improved hip mobility, several athletes commented to the effect that they were unsure as to the potentially achievable range of movement and that the uncertainty presented a barrier to improvement. To minimize ambiguity, a model skeleton was used to convey articular potential at the hip. In subsequent stretching sessions, the athletes were encouraged to visualize the range of motion demonstrated by means of the model skeleton and to attempt to incorporate the image formed into their own repertoire. The athletes reported that they were able to comply and, subjectively, claimed that their flexibility had improved. It was decided to test empirically the apparent enhanced effect of a PNF stretching program augmented with a visual imagery technique. Various authorities differ in both the methods used to achieve targeted flexibility levels and the effectiveness of certain of those modalities, the technique referred to as proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) which originated in rehabilitation therapy (Voss et al., 1985) is widely practiced in athletic preparation and touted as successful in producing desired range-of-motion effects required in either sports performance or return to healthy status following injury (Alter, 1988, McAtee and Charland, 1999). Although the literature varies somewhat when explaining the exact cause of improved joint laxity, it is generally agreed that enhancement of range-of-movement is brought about through exploitation of a protective mechanism centred on the Golgi tendon organs (proprioceptors) whose function is to monitor tendon load. Stimulation of tendon load through stretch or forceful muscular contraction causes the muscles to relax via neurological inhibition in order to prevent tissue damage (McAtee and Charland, 1999). The resultant effect facilitates increased range-of-motion. Several studies and reviews of research support the view that PNF in its various forms is more successful than other techniques such as ballistic and static stretching for achieving desired range-of-motion (Sady et al., 1982, Shellock and Prentice, 1985, Surburg, 1981). Less clear is the extent to which a momentarily attained range-of-motion can be retained without persistent training though preservation of a desired level of flexibility would be of interest to performers. In a comprehensive study targeted at retention of flexibility (range-of-motion). Zebas and Rivera (1985) compared the effects of three stretching methods, one of which was modified PNF, undertaken for six weeks on the ankle, neck, shoulder, hip and trunk laxity of coeducational students. Retention was assessed at two and four weeks after cessation of training. Although there were significant initial gains in flexibility, there were also significant losses of flexibility overall. Range-of-movement regression was least in the modified PNF group, and most notably between the end of the program and two weeks post-exercise. Clearly, the application of a training process that augments a selected stretching technique to facilitate both acquisition and, then, retention of a desired level of flexibility would be advantageous. A plausible supplement to be used to improve both acquisition and retention of range of movement in a joint complex is to combine stretching with some variant of mental practice. The collated findings from a substantial body of research focusing mostly on motor skill acquisition inclines to the conclusion that some combination of physical and mental practice yields superior results to either physical or mental practice applied alone (Feltz and Landers, 1983). Could a similar effect be achieved by using the neuromuscular system to enhance range-of-motion? As indicated earlier, presenting gymnasts with a tangible perceptual frame-of-reference for the realization of potential range-of-motion at the hip using a skeleton model and requesting that they attempt to incorporate this percept into the physical process of PNF training apparently resulted in improvement. Mental practice comes in a number of guises and its relationship with action is not fully understood. Nonetheless, sufficient support for the value of imagery as a representational process whereby physical tasks and related goals can be cognitively practiced with positive results renders the possibility of incorporating mental practice with PNF worthwhile (Jeannerod, 1994, Jeannerod and Frak, 2001). Mental imagery is defined here after Denis (Denis, 1985) as “a psychological activity which evokes the physical characteristics of an object either permanently or temporarily absent from the perceptual field. ”The process can apply to static or dynamic events, past, recent or yet to be accomplished. Imagery is classified as either “external ”which is predominantly visual and characterized as a third-person perspective (seeing oneself performing) or “internal ”which is kinesthetic and explained as a first-person perspective (feeling oneself performing) (Epstein, 1980). Research has demonstrated that the two types of imagery were physiologically distinct by observing greater muscle activity during internal imagery (Epstein, 1980, Jacobson, 1932, Shaw, 1940). Furthermore it has been determined that the internal version is more effective when used in connection with motor performance (Weinberg, 1982). Jeanerrod and Frak (2001) found that neuron discharges in the parietal and premotor cortices ‘map’ a pattern of action even when the given action is not being physically performed. Further, they asserted that applied studies should be undertaken to explore the possibility that motor imagery could be a potent tool in improving the function of the motor system. Thus, an internal (motor) imagery technique was applied in this study. The working definition of motor imagery used in this study is akin to that proposed by Jeanerrod (2001) namely, that it is of the ‘internal’ type within which the performer represents the self in action. In this case, the participant imagines the feelings associated with the movement of the limb through a possible range-of-motion. The purpose was to determine whether a proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation technique coupled with motor imagery, applied to elicit enhanced range-of-motion at the hip joint produced significantly better performance and retention than the proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation training applied alone. |