Ten individuals with brain injury (5 men, 5 women) (traumatic brain injury, 1, central pontine mylenosis, 1, stroke 8) and 21 healthy controls (11 men, 10 women), age (years) mean ± SD: ABI 47.3 ± 18.0; Control 35.1 ± 20.5. Individuals had a weight (kg) mean ± SD: ABI 78.1 ± 14.8, Control 74.9 ± 14.1; BMI (kg·m-2) mean ± SD: ABI 27.94 ± 5.34, Control 24.6 ± 3.23. Individuals with ABI were identified through consultant referral in a rehabilitation centre. Consecutively referred individuals with acquired brain injury scoring 7/15 or more on the Rivermead Mobility Index, who were able to walk for 4 minutes and who had residual gait abnormalities, were included. A heterogeneous sample was chosen in order to examine reliability in a typical cohort of individuals receiving physiotherapy in a rehabilitation centre. Healthy volunteer controls, with no musculoskeletal or neurological pathologies, were recruited locally from a sample known to the researchers. Body mass was measured to the nearest 0.1 kg using a Seca weight scale, wearing minimum clothing and without shoes. Height was measured to the nearest 0.5 cm using a standard Seca stadiometer. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated by dividing body weight in kilograms by the square of body height in metres. Informed consent was obtained, after receiving both oral and written information about the study, from all individuals before participation according to the Declaration of Helsinki (World Health Organisation, 1996). After giving informed consent, individuals attended for testing. Subjects were asked to refrain from the consumption of alcohol, cigarettes, food, caffeine, medical drugs and to avoid exercise for a period of two hours prior to testing. Findings from a pilot study and local ethical committee concerns dictated that this period of abstinence was both feasible and acceptable. Testing was carried out utilising the following standardised testing protocol by the same two investigators, at the same time, on two separate occasions within one week (room temperature, 20-25oC). Individuals were asked to attend wearing the same shoes. Information was recorded about age, height, weight, compliance with pre-test requirements, physical activity levels, medication, and general health. Measurements of expired air were taken at rest and during level walking at a constant walking speed. The expired air was collected by means of light weight respiratory valves and hoses in a 100 litre Douglas bag (Waters et al., 1988). Individuals were initially familiarised to wearing the Hans Rudolf face mask and then rested supine for a period of six minutes, immediately followed by measurement of expired air for a further period of six-minutes. The composition of the expired air was determined by oxygen and carbon dioxide analysers (Servomex Series 1400, Crowborough, East Sussex, UK) and the volume of expired air was determined by means of a dry gas meter (Harvard Apparatus Limited, Edenbridge, Kent). The gas analysers were calibrated at each testing occasion by means of gas mixtures of known concentration. Oxygen consumption was calculated using standard open circuit methodology and the values expressed under standard conditions (STPD). The walking test was explained verbally and demonstrated to each individual. Subjects were then asked to walk at their normal, comfortable walking speed around a predetermined 13m track in a physiotherapy gymnasium. Self-selected walking speeds have been shown to coincide with the lowest oxygen cost (ml·kg-1·min-1) on the oxygen cost /walking velocity curve (Walters et al, 1988). Pilot work showed that the clinical group examined in this study could only manage to walk at one speed. During walking trials individuals were accompanied by a researcher to ensure safety. Their self-selected walking speed was determined with a calibrated speedometer (Cat eye-astrale, Osaka, Japan) mounted on a wheelchair pushed behind and out of sight of the subject by a researcher (Linnarsson et al., 1989). To ensure physiological steady state conditions all subjects walked for four minutes in total. During the walking tests, the researcher continuously monitored walking speed. Expired air was collected in a100-litre Douglas bag, secured to the wheelchair, during min 3-4 of the walk using light weight ducting and a respiratory valve for the determination of oxygen consumption. Steady-state oxygen uptake was expressed as gross (walking) and net (walking minus resting) (ml·kg-1·min-1). From the steady-state oxygen uptake (ml·kg-1·min-1), the oxygen cost (ml·kg-1·min-1) was calculated from the mean walking speed during the 60 second sampling period. Baseline walking measures were compared between ABI and Control using a Student’s t-test for independent data. To analyse the repeatability between the measurements of oxygen consumption a plot was made of the differences between the measurements against their mean (Bland and Altman, 1996). The data was tested for normality (Shapiro-Wilks test) and equal variance (F-test). Pearson product moment correlation analysis was performed on the absolute differences between measures taken from test one and two against mean values of the two tests in order to examine heteroscedascity of the data (systematic relationship of size of difference between tests and the mean of the two tests). No heteroscedascity was detected in the data, therefore the mean of the differences between test 1 and 2 was calculated for measures. The hypothesis of zero bias was then tested using a Student’s t-test for dependent data. A significance level of p 0.05 was chosen to indicate statistical significance. The upper and lower limits of repeatability were calculated as differences of the mean ± 1.96 SD and reported as bias and random error. Repeatability between test 1 and 2 was further examined using the commonly used intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) [3, 1]. Finally in order to enable direct comparisons with earlier studies, ‘percentage variability’ was calculated (averaging the absolute value of the difference between each measurement of the test, dividing this by the average for the tests, and multiplying by 100) (Bowen et al., 1998). |