The main purpose of this study was to compare sprint test performance across the 7 trials on six different groups of football players. We hypothesized that these data can be turned into very valuable information for talent detection, fitness evaluation and planning. Similar studies showed that professional players tend to perform more high speed and moderate speed sprints than semi-professional (Reilly and Thomas, 1976; Bangsbo et al., 1991). Results concerning the repeated sprint ability in field conditions are only available in the field hockey game (Spencer et al., 2004). The authors’ criterion for repeated-sprint activity (minimum of 3 sprints, with mean recovery duration between sprints of less than 21 s) was met on 17 occasions with a mean 4±1 sprints per bout. However, the authors have not investigated differences between players or teams. Our results pointed out important differences between groups, demonstrating professional players being superior to semi- professional players in repeated sprint ability. Thus, it appears that this capacity is developed in match situations. The fact that higher mean times were observed from the 5th to the 7th sprint is very interesting and met the previous result of 4±1 sprints per bout registered in field hockey (Spencer et al., 2004). These fatigue effect can be explained by lactate accumulation and difficulties in creatine phosphate resynthesis (Ratel et al., 2004). As this resynthesis occurs primarily by oxidative processes it has been suggested that aerobic fitness is an important determinant of this performance (Bishop and Spencer, 2004). Despite its utility for coaches, published research focusing on Bangsbo repeated sprint test is limited to the study of Wragg et al. (2000). Their subjects (seven national level student players from the United Kingdom) averaged 7.66±0.29 seconds to complete a sprint, which result is substantially different from those obtained in the senior groups of our study (1st and 2nd national divisions and 1st regional division). These differences can be explained by a modification done by the authors in the original protocol that involved adding a random right or left turn (using two light-emitting diodes, LED) in order to improve game specificity and also to place muscular demand upon both legs. Therefore, players were not aware if they had to make a right or left turn until the corresponding LED illuminates. This choice reaction task probably caused the subjects to produce much slower times. Results from the main effects of level of competition revealed different performance profiles between the varying groups. On the other hand, based on previous research (Wragg et al., 2000), we believe that results from the main effects and pairwise differences of sprint trial seem to have identified the first sprint as a familiarization bout. Thus, it might be advisable to increase familiarization bouts in pre-test procedures. Interestingly, the two main effects were qualified by a significant interaction, identifying markedly different performance profiles. These findings might help support the general hypothesis that an athletes’ ability to maintain power over time is associated with their age and fitness level. However, there is no doubt that considerable human variation exists in the ability to perform maximally over a short period of time. According to Van Praagh and Doré (2002), differences between children and young adults’ performances can be attributable to size dependent factors (e.g., muscle size) and size independent factors (e.g., genetics, hormonal factors). Anaerobic performance is mainly determined by fibre type proportion and glycolytic enzyme capacity of skeletal muscle which are clearly influenced by genetic factors. Despite these facts, there is always a training potential to be considered (Simoneau and Bouchard, 1998). Anaerobic trainability increases with age (from childhood to adulthood with greater increases during puberty) and also with the increase in glycolytic enzyme activity (particularly phosphofructokinase) triggered by training (Fournier et al., 1982). The findings of our study seem to provide some additional field test support to these differences because groups of different ages (Sub 16, Sub 14 and Sub 12) and groups of different training quality (1st and 2nd national divisions and 1st regional division) were clearly discriminated by sprint test performances. Another interesting finding in our study was the fact that Sub 16 players’ outruned 1st regional division players probably explained by age and weight differences which are determinant factors in short term muscle power (Van Praagh and Doré 2002). Therefore, considering that during childhood and adolescence direct measurements of the rate or capacity of anaerobic pathways for energy turnover present several ethical and methodological difficulties (Van Praagh and Doré 2002), sprint test appears to be a good alternative field tool. |