The intention of the present study was to investigate whether the magnitude of exercise-induced hypervolemia is proportional to the level of dehydration incurred during exercise. We hypothesized that increased plasma volume 24 hours post-exercise would be well related and proportional to the percent dehydration experienced during exercise. Our results indicate that the relationship between dehydration (percent change in body mass) and percent change in PV 24 hours later was poor within the range of dehydration we investigated. Therefore, it is apparent the stimulus necessary for the induction of significant hypervolemia was not invoked in the present study. Subsequently, there is little support for our hypothesis that hypervolemia is a supra-compensatory response to dehydration, at least within the range of dehydration investigated in our study. However, the absence of any significant increases in PV despite significantly different levels of dehydration is a relevant finding of our investigation. The mechanisms of exercise-induced hypervolemia observed 24-hours after exercise are complex and could be consequential to first, an increase in plasma protein mass, secondly, a decrease in central venous pressure, or thirdly, an increase in renal fluid retention (Mack et al., 1998; Nagashima et al., 2001; Wu and Mack, 2001). An increase in plasma protein mass following exercise creates an osmotic gradient for water movement into the vascular space, and a decrease in central venous pressure would facilitate greater flux of fluid from the lymphatic system or interstitial space (Wu and Mack, 2001). Fluid conservatory hormones such as aldosterone are elevated greatly following exercise, and act to reduce urine output and consequently enhance fluid retention (Convertino, 1991). The present experiments resulted in a decrease in body mass ranging from 1-1.6%, which are similar to the values observed by Gillen et al., (1991), and would therefore be expected to have transiently lowered central venous pressure, increased aldosterone and stimulated an increase in plasma protein mass. It is therefore appropriate to discuss possible reasons why a significant hypervolemia was not observed in the present study, despite creating a disturbance in homeostasis that was anticipated to facilitate an increase in PV. One possibility for the attenuated increase in PV, was that the magnitude of dehydration induced in the present study was not sufficient to result in exercise-induced hypervolemia 24 hours after exercise. Unfortunately, we were unable to induce greater levels of dehydration using the current exercise mode, as the participants were unable to continue beyond the 90 minutes of cycle ergometer exercise due to fatigue and discomfort. Future research may control for fatigue by eliciting greater levels of dehydration by non-exercise or “passive means”, such as exposure to a sauna. Moreover, the failure of our study to detect an expansion in PV may be consequential to the participants engaging in only one and not several exercise sessions. The magnitude of hypervolemia appears to be consequential to the cumulative effect of several daily bouts of dehydration induced by exercise, as the greatest increases in hypervolemia are observed after several days of training (Green et al. , 1984). Despite this concern, a single episode of exercise was anticipated to increase PV (Gillen et al., 1991). The dehydration experienced by the current participants was similar to that reported elsewhere (Gillen et al., 1991), and those subjects experienced an increase in PV of ~7%. Alternatively therefore, dehydration may not be the stimulus inducing hypervolemia, and some other covariate may be a more powerful mediator. Indeed, Convertino et al. (1980) reported that 12% of exercise-induced hypervolemia could be attributed to exercise factors and 5% to thermal factors. One such “exercise factor ”that may play a crucial role in the induction of hypervolemia is exercise intensity. Subjects in the study by Gillen et al. (1991) exercised intermittently at 85% of VO2peak, which is higher than the ~50% we used. An observable increase in PV may be consequential to a specific exercise intensities effect on the body’s fluid volume or distribution regulatory mechanisms. Nitric oxide production is proportional to exercise intensity (Chirpraz-Oddou et al., 1997), and in elevated concentrations may lower central venous pressure (Blackman et al., 2000), creating a favorable gradient for increased lymphatic drainage into the vascular space, or interstitial fluid to move directly into the vascular space. Intense exercise training also displays many of the biochemical features of the acute phase response (Tauler et al., 2002). An acute phase response elicited by exercise with high resistance loadings is associated with a disruption in muscle cell integrity, potentially allowing intracellular fluid to appear in the extracellular space (Kirwan and del Aguila, 2003). In particular, unaccustomed eccentric exercise elicits significant disturbance to muscle cell integrity (Kirwan and del Aguila, 2003), and is accompanied by a parallel increase in PV (Gleeson and Almey, 1994). We believe investigation into graded exercise intensities would elucidate whether the magnitude of the expansion is proportional to exercise intensity. |