Research article - (2005)04, 124 - 133 |
Spinal Cord Injury and Contractile Properties of the Human Tibialis Anterior |
Sabine R. Krieger1, David J. Pierotti2, J. Richard. Coast1, |
Key words: Muscle, contractility, fatigue, paralysis, paraplegia |
Key Points |
Subjects |
Spinal cord injured (SCI) patients (n=14) and control subjects aged 18 to 65 years were recruited for the study. None of the SCI subjects had been involved in an electrical stimulation program for at least six months prior to participation in this study. Each SCI patient was matched by age and gender to a moderately active control subject. A questionnaire covering gender, age, history of spinal cord injury, time since injury, and participation in physical therapy was obtained from the SCI subjects. The protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Northern Arizona University. |
Instrumentation |
The test apparatus consisted of a specially designed chair where the knees and ankles were bent at 90 degrees with the soles of the feet resting on a support plate, and secured with a canvas strap similar to that of Reid et al. ( |
Protocol |
All of the subjects came to the lab, where the procedures, purpose, and risks associated with the participation were explained and an informed written consent was obtained. Subjects were then seated in the chair as described above. The skin over the right TA was shaved and scrubbed with an alcohol pad. The cathode was positioned over the motor point of the right TA according to a motor point chart (Starkey, For the force-frequency protocol, the TA was electrically stimulated at 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 100 Hz (650ms train duration, 0.2ms pulse duration). The subjects were given two minutes of rest between each stimulation frequency within the force-frequency test and three minutes rest between each of the two force-frequency protocols. The average force-frequency relationship for all paraplegic subjects were constructed by expressing the forces developed at submaximal stimulus frequencies as a percentage of peak tetanic force developed. If the first and second protocol elicited different forces (>5%), subjects came back for a second visit. This was required for three of the eight control and none of the SCI subjects. The fatigue-recovery protocol was done three minutes after the force-frequency protocol. In order to produce fatigue, a stimulus train of 650ms at 40 Hz with the same voltage used in the force- frequency protocol was delivered to the TA every two seconds for 180 seconds. Forces and contractile properties were measured for the first three contractions of the fatigue test and for the three contractions immediately following 30, 60, 120, and 180 seconds of the fatigue test. The recovery from fatigue was measured for three successive contractions at 190, 210, 240, 270, 300, and 360s. The fatigue and recovery index were calculated as followed: Other studies have shown that the fatigue and contractile properties protocols have a high degree of reproducibility and reliability (Reid et al., The TA relaxation properties during the fatigue/recovery protocol were characterized by both the time and the rate of relaxation. The one-half relaxation time (½ RT) was the time it took for the force to drop to one-half of its peak value. The ½ RT was calculated and the average of three consecutive trials were taken at 0, 30, 60, 120, 180 190, 210, 240, 270, 300, and 360 seconds of the fatigue-recovery protocol. The rate of one-half relaxation time (R½ RT) was determined by differentiating the force output with respect to time during the relaxation phase of the tetani. The R½ RT was normalized to the mean measured force for that contraction. The R½ RT was calculated by taking the quotient of half the peak force divided by the ½ RT and the average R ½ RT of three consecutive trials was taken at 0, 30, 60, 120, 180 190, 210, 240, 270, 300, and 360 seconds of the fatigue-recovery protocol. |
Statistical analysis |
A two-way analysis of variance (two-way ANOVA) with repeated measures was used to determine the force-frequency differences with respect to the frequencies used (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100 Hz) and condition (SCI vs. control). A paired t-test with a significance level set at 0.05 was used to test for a difference in ½ RT and R½ RT of the 40 Hz tetani between the SCI subjects and their matched controls. Two-way ANOVA with repeated measures was used to determine differences in force, ½ RT, and R ½ RT over time and condition (SCI vs. control). One-way repeated measures analyses of variance were used to determine differences in FI and RI in the SCI and control groups. All data were reported as mean ± standard error (± SE) and significance levels were set at p < 0.05. The Student-Newman-Keuls test was used for the post hoc test. |
Of the 14 SCI patients, three were not able to produce any force throughout the experiment and were excluded from the analysis or assignment of a matched control. Another three SCI patients were excluded from the analysis because their TA spasmed with each of the electrical stimuli used during the force-frequency protocol. Since no useable data could be obtained from these subjects, their testing was not completed and they were excluded from the study, along with their matched controls. The experiments were then analyzed on the remaining one woman and seven men (age: 37 ± 6 years) and their age and gender matched controls (age: 37 ± 5). The characteristics of the SCI subjects used for analysis are presented in |
Force frequency relationship |
Contractile speed |
The mean tetanic ½ RT produced at 40 Hz for the SCI group was 127 ± 18.4 ms, significantly longer than the 78 ± 8.7 ms produced by the control group (p = 0.023). The mean tetanic rate of ½ RT produced at 40 Hz was 6 ± 1.5 kg·s-1 for the SCI group, significantly slower than the 20 ± 4.1 kg·s-1 produced by the control group (p = 0.002). |
Fatigue characteristics |
Results for the fatigue test are shown in The mean FI at the end of the fatigue test was 45 ± 12.0 and 67 ± 8.3 % for the SCI group and control group, respectively. Due to a high variability in the FI in both the SCI and control groups, the difference between the two groups was not significant (p = 0.2). The RI was not significantly different between the two groups. |
Contractile properties during the fatigue protocol |
Contractile properties - force frequency relationship, ½ RT, and TPT |
The relative TA force frequency curve of the SCI patients was shifted to the left, illustrating that a lower stimulation frequency was needed to produce a similar relative force. The higher twitch/tetanus ratio, the slower ½ RT, and the decreased R½ RT at the 40 Hz tetani in the SCI group all indicate slower contractile properties in the SCI group compared to the control group. This is of special interest because numerous studies have shown that the percentage of type II fibers increases in slow and mixed muscles in SCI patients (Lotta et al., Most other studies of paralyzed human muscle reported muscle weakness, high twitch/tetanus ratios, and left shifts in the force frequency relationship, all indicators of slower muscle (Gerrits et al., It should be noted that the twitch and tetanic force produced by the muscle of the SCI patients was significantly lower than the force produced by the normal muscle in some of these studies. Therefore, the faster ½ RT and faster TPT may be artifacts of the decreased force production. Miller et al. ( In the study by Rochester et al. ( Several studies reported slower contractile properties. Thomas ( |
Animal studies |
While not measured in the present study, animal research generally supports that myosin ATPase changes to a faster type with disuse (Lotta et al., If disuse transforms the myosin ATPase to a faster type, but not all studies find faster contractile properties, then something else must be responsible for the change in contractile properties. One possibility is that disuse changes calcium handling (Castro et al., Two other potential explanations for some of the slowing in ½ RT could be related to the following factors. First, a difference in muscle temperature may have led to slower contractile properties. Gerrits et al. ( |
Fatigue properties |
The muscles of the SCI group fatigued to 45 ± 12.0 % of their initial value, which was not significantly different from the 67 ± 8.3 % observed in the control group. We found a great variability in both the SCI and control group. The FI of some SCI patients were as low as 0 and 8 % but some were as high as 78 and 83 % which was very close to the range seen in the controls. Because of this large variability no significant difference was found between the two groups. Neither the level of injury nor the length of time after injury appeared to be related to the force output at the end of the fatigue test. The loss of force in this study in the control subjects was similar to that found by Reid et al. ( These results differ from the findings of previous studies, which reported increased fatigability in SCI patients (Shield, |
Contractile properties during the fatigue protocol |
Castro et al. ( |
Conclusions |
The major finding of this study was that the TA in SCI patients had slower contractile properties than the control group. The variability was very high in the SCI group, with three patients having close to normal ½ RT and the other five being much slower. It can be concluded that not all muscle responds the same way to SCI. The slowing of the ½ RT during the fatigue test was seen in both groups. However, variability in the SCI group was very high. The contractile properties of the SCI patients were different than those of the controls. Treatments to prevent those changes are a prerequisite for rehabilitation in patients who suffered neurological or orthopedic trauma. Our study found differences in the muscle’s reaction to disuse, consequently it is important that treatments and rehabilitative procedures are tailored specifically to the patient. Further, it appears that myosin ATPase activity may not be a clear indicator of the contractile properties of disused muscle in SCI. Many other factors can influence the properties such as synaptic function, sacroplasmic reticulum properties, excitation-contraction coupling, contractile machinery interaction, muscle fiber size and enzymatic activity. Disused muscle cannot be treated like normal muscle. Changes in calcium handling process and enzymatic activity, other protein changes, in addition to myosin ATPase, need to be investigated in future studies in order to clarify the conflicting results. |
½ Relaxation time |
Rate of ½ Relaxation Time |
The R½ RT was significantly slower in the SCI group when compared to the control group at the start of the fatigue test (2.8 ± 0.6 kg·s-1 vs.18.5 ± 4.1 kg·s-1, at the end of the fatigue test (0.74 ± 0.2 kg·s-1 vs. 9.2 ± 2.4 kg·s-1, and at the end of the recovery (3.5 ± 1.3 kg·s-1 vs.19.4 ± 5.3 kg·s-1 (p < 0.05). The R½ RT was significantly slower at the end of the fatigue test as compared to the beginning of the fatigue test in the control group (p < 0.05). The R½ RT at the end of the 3 minute recovery protocol was not significantly different than the R½ RT at the start of the fatigue protocol for either group. |
The authors thank our volunteer subjects for their cooperation and Chad Reilly for introducing us to several perspective subjects, and permitting us to utilize his therapy clinic as a field lab for the experiments. This work was supported in part by Arizona Biotechnology Grant BHW- TC 20. |