The results demonstrated that, as the rest interval between sets increased, the total number of repetitions completed also increased. There was not a significant difference in the squat volume completed between the 1- and 2-minute rest conditions (p = 0.190). When lifting a submaximal amount of resistance, the slow and fast-twitch muscle fibers are recruited but at first the slow-twitch muscle fibers exert force and when the slow-twitch muscle fibers become progressively fatigued, the fast-twitch muscle fibers continue to produce sufficient force. Finally, when all available muscle fibers are fatigued and cannot produce sufficient force, the set is ended (Sale et al., 1987; Zatsiorsky, 1995). When considering the rest interval between sets, slow-twitch muscle fibers would require shorter recovery due to their oxidative characteristics, whereas fast-twitch muscle fibers would require longer recovery due to their glycolytic characteristics (Weiss, 1991). Because fast-twitch muscle fibers rely heavily on anaerobic glycolysis for energy production, these fibers would accumulate higher levels of lactic acid during high intensity exercise. The accumulation of lactic acid has been shown to lower intracellular pH through the dissociation of hydrogen ions (H+), which results in muscle fatigue (Jones et al., 1986; Taylor et al., 1990), But Robergs, et al 2004 demonstrated that there is no biochemical support for lactate production causing acidosis, Lactate production retards, not causes, acidosis. Similarly, there is a wealth of research evidence to show that acidosis is caused by reactions other than lactate production (Corey, 2003; Kowalchuk, 1988; Tafaletti, 1991). Every time ATP is broken down to ADP and Pi, a proton is released. When the ATP demand of muscle contraction is met by mitochondrial respiration, there is no proton accumulation in the cell, as protons are used by the mitochondria for oxidative phosphorylation and to maintain the proton gradient in the intermembranous space. It is only when the exercise intensity increases beyond steady state that there is a need for greater reliance on ATP regeneration from glycolysis and the phosphagen system. The ATP that is supplied from these nonmitochondrial sources and is eventually used to fuel muscle contraction increases proton release and causes the acidosis of intense exercise. Lactate production increases under these cellular conditions to prevent pyruvate accumulation and supply the NAD+ needed for phase 2 of glycolysis (Robergs et al. 2004). It is important to note that lactate production acts as both a buffering system, by consuming H+, and a proton remover, by transporting H+ across the sarcolemma, to protect the cell against metabolic acidosis. The cause of metabolic acidosis is not merely proton release, but an imbalance between the rate of proton release and the rate of proton buffering and removal. As previously shown , proton release occurs from glycolysis (An accumulation of NAD+H+ produced by the Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphat dehydrogenas reaction) and ATP hydrolysis. However, there is not an immediate decrease in cellular pH due to the capacity and multiple components of cell proton buffering and removal. The intracellular buffering system, which includes amino acids, proteins, Pi, HCO3-, creatine phosphate (CrP) hydrolysis, and lactate production, binds or consumes H+ to protect the cell against intracellular proton accumulation. Protons are also removed from the cytosol via mitochondrial transport, sarcolemmal transport (lactate-/H+ symporters, Na+/ H+ exchangers), and a bicarbonate-dependent exchanger (HCO3-/Cl-). Such membrane exchange systems are crucial for the influence of the strong ion difference approach at understanding acid-base regulation during metabolic acidosis (Kowalchuk, 1988; Corey, 2003). However, when the rate of H+ production exceeds the rate of the capacity to buffer or remove protons from skeletal muscle, or when no enough time to buffer or remove H+ production, metabolic acidosis ensues and results in muscle fatigue. Short rest intervals of 1 minute or less have been shown to significantly increase lactic acid levels during heavy strength training exercise (Kraemer et al., 1987). The time needed for lactic acid clearance following high-intensity exercise has been shown to be 4-10 minutes (Jones et al., 1986). In the current study, the 5-minute rest condition likely enough time to uptake H+ and delayed fatigue, which allowed subjects to complete a higher volume of training, versus the 1- and 2-minute rest conditions. The results of the current study were different from those demonstrated by Kraemer (1997) who found that when subjects rested 3 minutes between sets, they were able to complete all 10 repetitions over 3 sets of bench press with a 10-RM load. In the current study, subjects failed to complete maximum repetitions over 4 sets of squat with 85% of a 10RM load, even when resting 5 minutes between sets the repetitions decreases from set-1 to set-4 (see Table 1). These differences in results may be accounted for by differences in the training status of subjects. The subjects utilized by Kraemer (1997) were Division I football players accustomed to training with maximal exertion over multiple sets. These subjects possibly had adapted to the point that more repetitions were possible with shorter rest intervals between sets. By contrast, the subjects in the current study lifted recreationally and rarely trained with maximal exertion over multiple sets. Larson et al. (1997) utilized a sample of recreationally trained men and demonstrated results that were consistent with the current study, with a significant decline in the number of repetitions completed over 4 sets of squats with 85% of a 10RM load. Weir et al. (1994), however, showed no differences in the ability to repeat a maximal bench press following 1-, 3-, 5-, or 10-minute rest interval between sets. A limitation of this study was that subjects only performed 2 sets with 1RM load. Had more than 2 sets been attempted, longer rest intervals may have resulted in superior performance. In the current study, subjects were able to maintain training volume to the greatest extent when resting 5 minutes between sets. The data in the present investigation are in agreement with several other studies involving the use of 3 different rest intervals on the squat volume (Kraemer et al., 1987; Larson et al., 1997; Willardson et al., 2005). Although Robinson et al. (1995) demonstrated that a 3-minute rest interval resulted in a higher training volume, a longer rest interval may have produced an even higher training volume and, consequently, greater strength gains. The current study demonstrated a dose-response relationship between the amount of rest between sets and the volume of training completed. However, the practicality of longer rest intervals must also be considered, and there may be a point of diminishing returns, yet to be determined, where a longer rest interval yields no additional volume. |