The validity of RR as a method for AT assessment is supported by the results of this study. The only other studies to examine RR as a method of detecting AT have all supported these results (Carey et al., 2005; James et al., 1989; Neary et al., 1995). James et al. (1989) compared RR breakpoint to VE/VO2 breakpoint and found no significant difference between the 2 methods. This author (Carey et al., 2005) has previously compared RR, VE, and VE/VO2 and found no differences in any pairwise comparisons (F = 2.81, p = 0.067). Neary et al. (1995) also reported a significant correlation (0.89, p < 0.05) between RR and ventilatory threshold (VE). However, RR at threshold was significantly less then mean RR in a 40-kilometer time trial in trained cyclists, indicating that RR at threshold cannot be used as a method of identifying intensity of exercise during competition. In contrast, others have found that VE and VE/VO2 thresholds (Amann et al., 2004; Hoogeveen et al., 1999; Urhausen et al., 1993; Yamamoto et al., 1991) obtained during incremental exercise testing coincided with maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) and should be indicative of intensity during competition. The use of AT during incremental exercise as the intensity that could be maintained during endurance competition is controversial. Groslambert et al. (2004) reported that triathletes could maintain power outputs and physiological measurements during competition that are significantly greater than similar measurements obtained during incremental testing. This is in direct contrast to the results obtained by others (Amann et al., 2004; Hoogeveen et al., 1999; Urhausen et al., 1993; Yamamoto et al., 1991), indicating that VE/VO2 breakpoint coincided with either MLSS or mean power output during continuous high intensity exercise. These differences may be explained by variations in time of endurance performance, with endurance time at MLSS determined to be approximately 1 hour (Billat, 1996). Small differences in SEM and CV for VE and VE/VO2 would indicate that both are equally reliable in identifying AT. However, others (Caiozzo et al, 1982) have reported that the validity of VE/VO2 in predicting MLSS is greater than that of VE and should be the method of choice in identifying AT. Still others have contended that there are 2 separate breakpoints that can be identified during incremental exercise (Bhambhani and Singh, 1985) and that they occur during different stages of the test. The first breakpoint is identified as that point at which VE/VO2 achieves a minimum value, with increasing intensities resulting in a hyperventilation with respect to VO2 (respiratory compensation point, or RCP, for VO2). The second point which occurs at higher intensities is identified when VCO2 reaches a minimal value, with increasing intensity resulting in a hyperventilation with respect to CO2 and an increase in VE/VCO2 (RCP for CO2). The former has been identified as that point when lactate concentration increases significantly above baseline, while the latter breakpoint represents a non-linear increase in blood lactate. These authors associate VE/VO2 with the first breakpoint and VE with the second breakpoint, which is in direct contrast to our results indicating no significant difference in VE and VE/VO2 breakpoints. Differences in these results may be explained by 1) Bhambhani and Singh used visual rather than computer-assessed breakpoints, 2) our computer-assessed breakpoints represented a change in linearity during incremental exercise, while examination of the Bhambhani and Singh graphs indicate that point when VE/VO2 and VE/VCO2 first reach a minimal value, not when these measurements began to rise, 3) subjects were only described as “38 healthy male volunteers”. Indeed the identification of their 2 breakpoints (60 watts and 120 watts, respectively) were less than one-half the AT watts achieved by our subjects (280-295 watts), indicating large differences in fitness status). The reproducibility of methods of AT assessment is extremely important when assessing changes in fitness. Large variations in repeat testing make it statistically impossible to separate random error from true change. Statistical methods for assessing this change each have their strengths and weaknesses. Mean differences can detect systematic change (i.e., the 1st test is larger than the 2nd test), but cannot measure random error in testing. In contrast, the correlation coefficient suffers from the opposite effect - it cannot detect systematic change from test to test. In addition, the correlation coefficient is highly affected by the homogeneity of the sample, with greater homogeneity resulting in a smaller correlation coefficient. Subjects in this study would be considered homogeneous, with relatively small ranges for both AT values and maximal exercise values. While the results of this study statistically support the reproducibility of RR, comparison of RR to both VE and VE/VO2 indicates the latter 2 methods have substantially lower SEM’s (19.4 and 21.5 watts, respectively) and CV’s (6.7% and 7.4%, respectively), when compared to RR SEM (35.3 watts) and RR CV(12.2%). Atkinson and Nevill (1998) supports what he calls the “limits of agreement ”as a method of distinguishing true change from random error. To calculate the “limits of agreement”, he recommends multiplying 1.96 X √2 X SEM. Applying the “limits of agreement ”to the results of this study, the amount of improvement in AT watts needed to determine that a true improvement has been made are: This information may be valuable to the exercise scientist who re-tests athletes to measure improvement. However, while the above wattage needed to determine that improvement has been made appears relatively small, this may be greater than the small changes made by athletes who 1)have attained a high level of fitness, and 2) have been training for many years. Hopkins (2000) contends that the “limits of agreement ”are too stringent and supports the use of half the “limits of agreement”, since this will still give 84% confidence of a true change, as opposed to the 95% confidence of the “limits of agreement”. This may be the preferred method when testing highly fit athletes. Few studies have reported CV in watts. The 10.1% reported by Earnest et al. (2005) is considerably greater than the CV for AT watts of 6.7% and 7.4% for VE and VEVO2, respectively, found in this study. When AT is expressed in ml·kg-1·min-1, our CV for VE (6.1%) is very comparable to the 5.6% to 6. 4% obtained in other studies (Caiozzo et al., 1982). Our CV for VE/VO2 (8.4%) is only slightly greater than results from these previous studies. However, our CV for RR (13.1%) is significantly greater than that obtained by other methods of AT assessment and seems to preclude its use in measuring fitness changes. In measuring improvement in VO2 max, using the limits of agreement ”as above, the following increase would need to be made to separate true change from random error: The smaller CV for watts (2.6%) compared to VO2 max (4.1%) would indicate that just monitoring for change in maximal watts may be a better method for assessing improvement than VO2 max changes. The practical application here is the use of testing on any reproducible ergometer without the need for expensive gas analysis equipment. The lower CV for max watts, when compared to VO2 max (ml·kg-1·min-1), is supported by others (Bagger et al., 2003, Earnest et al., 2005). Bagger et al. (2003) reported a CV less than 5% for maximum watts, while CV for VO2 max was reported as “less than 10%. ”Earnest et al. (2005) obtained CV’s of 6.3% and 7.1% for maximum watts and VO2 max (ml·kg-1·min-1), respectively. While Shephard et al. (2004) and Katch et al. (1982) did not compare CV for maximum watts and CV for VO2 max, their CV’s for VO2 max (5.0% and 5.6%) are slightly greater than the 4.1% observed in this study. The finding of no significant differences between test 1 and test 2 would argue against habituation and a “learning effect”. Hopkins et al. (2001) reported relatively large CV values between tests 1 and 2 but smaller, non-significant differences in subsequent tests. A possible explanation for different results in this study may be explained by 1) the testing ergometer could very closely simulate the subject’s road cycle seat and handlebar positions 2) these cyclists were familiar with maximal exertion 3) many of the subjects had been tested in this lab previously. |